قالب های فروشگاهی mystile 1.2.17 ، woostore 1.7.4 ، wootique 1.6.8 ، superstore 1.1.0


تازه وارد

4 قالب فروشگاهی ووکامرس mystile 1.2.17 ، woostore 1.7.7 ، wootique 1.6.8 ، superstore 1.1.0 به زبان اصلی که نسبت به نسخه های منتشر شده در سایت ، جدید هستند قرار میدهم.

امیدوارم دوستان جهت فارسی سازی برای استفاده کاربران در سایت اقدام کنند.

superstore 1.1.0 :

*** Superstore Changelog ***

2014.02.11 - version 1.1.0
 * Requires WooCommerce 2.1 +

 * New - Better integration with Points & Rewards.

 * New - Better Sensei integration.

 * New - Integration with Our Team plugin.

 * New - Integration with Archives plugin

 * Tweak - Separated WooCommerce integration.

 * Tweak - Improve integration with WooFramework breadcrumbs.

 * Tweak - Remove WooCommerce 2.1 average rating function.

 * Tweak - Added better support for Features archive / single pages

 * Tweak - Some validation fixes (remove hgroup tag and chrome frame meta)

2013.10.11 - version 1.0.21
 * style.css - Fixed small animation flicker in testimonials / features when homepage slider animation is set to 'slide'.
 * styles/*.css - Fixed inconsistent active navigation element styling.
 * css/woocommerce.css - Fixed image height issue in ie8.

2013.09.19 - version 1.0.20
 * css/woocommerce.css - Product shortcodes in posts / pages will honour the specified layout columns (requires WooCommerce 2.1). Better integration with Smart Coupons. Fixed product img border issue.

2013.09.16 - version 1.0.19
 * content.php - added wooframework hooks.
 * includes/theme-functions.php - Fixes notices on post type archives. Added Dribbble, Instagram, Vimeo & Pinterest to Subscribe & Connect.
 * css/woocommerce.css - improved Composite Products integration.
 * includes/theme-options.php - Fixed typo & broken help link in theme options. Added Subscribe & Connect settings for Dribbble, Instagram, Vimeo & Pinterest.
 * style.css - Added styles for Dribbble, Instagram, Vimeo & Pinterest in Subscribe and Connect. Fixed checkbox when using shortcode contact form.

2013.08.14 - version 1.0.18
 * includes/theme-woocommerce.php - Logout link now redirects to the current page.
 * css/woocommerce.css - Tweaked CSS to improve compatibility with Composite Products extension.

2013.08.12 - version 1.0.17
 * includes/js/general.js - Better check for Android tablets before fireing doubleTapToGo.
 * includes/theme-woocommerce.php - Tweaked how WooCommerce styles are dequeued for 2.1.
 * includes/theme-actions.php - Custom typography widget title fix.

2013.08.07 - version 1.0.16
 * includes/theme-woocommerce.php - Fixed issue where setting archives to full width affected all WooCommerce pages.
 * css/woocommerce.css - Fixed white "flicker" on the homepage when using a black background. Improves integration with Product Bundles.
 * Removed template-sitemap.php and template-timeline.php. Please use http://wordpress.org/plugins/archives-by-woothemes/

2013.07.29 - version 1.0.15
 * includes/theme-functions.php - Slider now works with WPML.
 * css/woocommerce.css - Improved integration with MSRP extension.
 * includes/theme-woocommerce.php - Better checks before calling WooCommerce sidebar.

2013.07.19 - version 1.0.14
 * includes/js/general.js - Tweaked how doubleTapToGo is fired to fix IE10 issue.
 * css/layout.css - Added max-width to #logo to fix Firefox issue.
 * includes/theme-functions.php - infinite scroll now works on all product archives.
 * styles/shadows.css - Now works in IE and Firefox.

2013.07.08 - version 1.0.13
 * includes/js/general.js - Fixes disappearing nav on iPad portrait and small tablets.
 * css/layout.css
   includes/theme-woocommerce.php - Fixed active states for menu items including cart.
 * style.css - Fixes issue with images on the map on the contact page having a white background.

2013.06.28 - version 1.0.12
 * css/woocommerce.css - Animations only animate on desktops. Removed scale on hover on homepage category links.
 * includes/js/featured-slider.js - Pause on hover fix.
 * includes/js/third-party.js - IE10 dropdowns no longer require double click to go.

2013.06.24 - version 1.0.11
 * includes/theme-js.php - Infinite scroll now fires on product tag & brand archives. The taxonomies it fires on are also filterable.
 * includes/theme-woocommerce.php - Taxonomies queried in woocommerce_get_sidebar() are now filterable. Updated how WooCommerce styles are disabled for 2.1 compatibility. Updated change password URL in superstore_user() for 2.1 compatibility. Related products filtered for 2.1 compatibility.
 * template-contact.php - Removed defunct twitter feed

2013.06.17 - version 1.0.10
 * Fixed a bug when using individual product layouts.

2013.06.12 - version 1.0.9
 * includes/theme-woocommerce.php - Sidebar now visible on brand archives.
 * style.css - Fixed horizontal scroll on handheld devices.
 * includes/theme-woocommerce.php - Product layout meta will now override global full-width option for product details pages

2013.05.21 - version 1.0.8
 * includes/js/jquery.prettyphoto.js - Update to latest. Resolves keyboard shortcuts refreshing the add review lightbox.
 * includes/theme-functions.php
   footer.php - Fixed footer breadcrumb positioning.
 * styles/*.css - Category label colors fixed in handheld orientation.
 * css/woocommerce.css - Improvements to CC data collection on checkout for relevant gateways. Footer breadcrumbs now hidden on distraction free checkout. Fixed some product layout issues when using certain columns.
 * includes/sidebar-init.php
   index.php - Gave the recent products widget a title input.
 * css/layout.css - Fixed slide content background in <IE8.
 * includes/js/general.js - Fitvids now applied to videos in slide content.
 * style.css - Woo shortcode buttons styles.

2013.05.14 - version 1.0.7
 * includes/woocommerce.css - Fixed month/year select order for direct payment gateways. Improved distraction-free checkout on mobile devices (hidden navigation items).
 * includes/js/infinite-scroll.js - Updated to latest stable version. Resolves permalink issue.

2013.04.25 - version 1.0.6
 * css/woocommerce.css - Footer contact details now hidden on mobile view when using distraction free checkout. Fixed radios on checkout for gateways that save card details. Fixed layout bug when displaying more than 4 featured products on the homepage.
 * includes/js/general.js
   includes/js/third-party.js - Improved dropdown behaviour in Android browsers.
 * includes/theme-actions.php - Fixed blog post title bug when using custom typography.
 * index.php - Check to see if WooCommerce is activated before displaying new products.
 * includes/theme-js.php - Fire masonry on window.load to fix overlapping blog grid.
 * includes/theme-options.php,
   includes/js/featured-slider.js - Removed animation speed option.
 * style.css - Fixed pagination on blog-grid template.
 * includes/theme-options.php - Fixed broken link for obtaining map co-ordinates.

2013.04.23 - version 1.0.5
 * theme-actions.php - Tweaked custom typography so that nav settings affect the mini cart.
 * css/layout.css - Dropdowns no longer appear beneath sale markers. Nav dropdowns now work when not using WordPress menus.
 * css/woocommerce.css - improved compatibility with local pickup plus. Improved select styling for variable products in IE. Star ratings in product archive tweak. Star rating selection when logged out fix.
 * includes/theme-js.php - Fixed slider settings (pause on hover etc).
 * Footer.php - Contact bar will now appear regardless of whether any footer widgets are present.
 * css/mixins.less - Vendor prefixes for CSS animations. Fixed add to cart loading animation.

2013.04.17 - version 1.0.4
 * header.php - Removed mfunc_wrapper.
 * css/woocommerce.css - Updated star ratings css.
 * includes/js/jquery.prettyPhoto.js - Updated to 3.1.5.

2013.04.16 - version 1.0.3
 * /css/woocommerce.css - fixed star rating on add review form
 * /includes/theme-functions.php - Make sure is_woocommerce_activated() is true before using WooCommerce conditional functions.

2013.04.08 - version 1.0.2
 * css/woocommerce.css - Now using fontawesome for star ratings. Fixed layout when brand widget is placed above featured products in homepage widget region.
 * style.css - Fixed some border radii on the contact template. Added .clear class.
 * css/layout.css - Fixed post image distortion bug. Fixed layout overflow on tags template.
 * template-contact.php, template-tags.php, template-timeline.php, template-sitemap.php - Moved page heading inside .entry for consistency with other templates.

2013.03.26 - version 1.0.1
 * css/layout.css - Better padding for testimonials / features on business template.
 * css/woocommerce.css - Distraction free checkout now hides footer.
 * style.css - Fixed footer hr width. Improved homepage styling when WooCommerce isn't activated.
 * includes/widgets/widget-woo-featured-products.php - No longer loads unless WooCommerce is activated.
 * includes/theme-functions.php - Phone number is now a tel: link.
 * /styles/*.css - fixed sale marker colour consistency. Tweaked placeholder attribute.
 * /lang/en_GB.po - rescanned.

2013.03.19 - version 1.0.0
 * First release!
woostore 1.7.7 :

*** WooStore Changelog ***

2013.12.16 - version 1.7.7
 * Tweak - Updated deprecated use of get_image_size to use wc_get_image_size.

2013.11.13 - version 1.7.6
 * includes/theme-woocommerce.php - Fixes an undefined index warning.

2013.08.23 - version 1.7.5
 * includes/theme-woocommerce.php - Tweaked how wc css is disabled for 2.1. Fixed layout in WooCommerce 2.1.

2013.04.29 - version 1.7.4
 * style.css - Fixed upsells not linning up.

2013.04.24 - version 1.7.3
 * header.php - Removed modernizr from header.
 * includes/theme-actions.php - Added modernizr via action hook.

2013.02.22 - version 1.7.2
 * includes/theme-woocommerce.php - WooCommerce 2.0 pagination preparation
 * style.css - styled star ratings in product loops and added .woocommerce-info styles

2013.02.11 - version 1.7.1
 * includes/theme-woocommerce.php - added WooCommerce support flag

2013.01.04 - version 1.7
 * style.css - Styling preparation for WooCommerce 2.0 standardised class names (.woocommerce-)
 * index.php - fixed featured product pricing issue

2012.12.06 - version 1.6
 * style.css - Styling preparation for WooCommerce 2.0 pagination
 * includes/theme-woocommerce.php - disable WooCommerce lightbox when prettyPhoto is enabled

2012.12.04 - version 1.5.2
 * template-sale.php - Now displays all products on sale without pagination / sorting

2012.11.27 - version 1.5.1
 * style.css - Make ".slide-content" selectors more specific to fix conflict with WooSlider plugin.

2012.10.16 - version 1.5
 * template-business.php - Business template and compatibility with WooSlider, Features and Testimonials plugins

2012.09.19 - version 1.4.2
 * /includes/slider.php - If autoheight is enabled on the slideshow, add "noheight=true" to the woo_image() call.

2012.08.09 - version 1.4.1
 * header.php
   includes/theme-woocommerce.php cart count now uses get_cart_contents_count(). Requires WooCommerce 1.6.2+

2012.07.19 - version 1.4
 * template-sale.php - now uses content-product instead of loop-shop. Requires WooCommerce 1.6.0+

2012.04.17 - version 1.3.32
 * template-sale.php preparation for WooCommerce 1.5.4

2012.04.16 - version 1.3.31
 * /includes/slider.php - slide images now use slide title for alt attribute

2012.03.29 - version 1.3.3
 * /includes/widgets/widget-woo-adspace.php - Fix "image not displaying" issue in the Woo - Adspace widget.

2012.02.20 - version 1.3.2
 * /includes/theme-options.php - Add sub-headings to various sections of the Theme Options.
 * /includes/theme-woocommerce.php - Update search fragment to use & instead of ?, in accordance with WooFramework update (requires WooFramework V5.1.3 or higher).

2012.02.03 - version 1.3.1
 * style.css improved message styles when containing a ul
              better checkbox styling at checkout
 * /styles/black-white.css
           pink-blue.css style fix to cart button in nav

2012.02.01 - version 1.3
 * index.php WooCommerce 1.4 preparation; replaced depreciated classes and updated custom field IDs
 * header.php
   includes/theme-options.php added option to make header search products or posts

2012.01.20 - version 1.2.5
 * includes/theme-woocommerce.php search pagination fix

2012.01.18 - version 1.2.4
 * style.css fixed ie9 rounded corner issue

2012.01.12 - version 1.2.3
 * slider next/prev fixed

2011.12.09 - version 1.2.2
 * template-sale.php query fix

2011.12.07 - version 1.2.1
 * index.php modified featured products loop to include sale makers

2011.11.23 - version 1.2
 * includes/theme-options.php,
   index.php - added options to select how many entries to show on homepage.

2011.11.24 - version 1.1.2
 * header.php - changed home icon to use get_template_directory_uri for better child theming

2011.11.22 - version 1.1.1
 * style.css - improved add-ons styling
 * includes/theme-woocommerce.php - made all relevant functions pluggable

2011.11.19 - version 1.1
 * includes/theme-options.php,
   includes/slider.php - added custom field option to slides to disable overlay

2011.11.09 - version 1.0.12
 * /includes/widgets/widget-woo-flickr.php - Fixed bug with Flickr images not displaying in the widget.
 * /includes/theme-woocommerce.php - Add better support for when the ?post_type=product fragment is added to woo_pagination().

2011.10.29 - version 1.0.11
 * includes/theme-actions.php - fixed styling options background color with image again, fixed link color, hover color, button color

2011.10.27 - version 1.0.10
 * includes/theme-actions.php - fixed styling options background color with image
 * /includes/js/general.js - Added .stop() before calling .animate().

2011.10.24 - version 1.0.9
 * includes/theme-options.php - refined homepage options and added latest blog post to homepage content option.
 * index.php - tweaked homepage content option to show latest blog post
 * includes/theme-woocomerce.php added search fragment for search pagination
 * style.css - Hide slides and slide navigation until the slider has loaded.
 * /includes/js/general.js - Add support for displaying a single slide. Fade slide navigation in once loaded.
 * /includes/slider.php - Hide slider navigation if there is only a single slide.

2011.10.19 - version 1.0.8
 * includes/theme-woocommerce.php hooked WC sidebar differently for easier removal
 * template-sale.php added sale template
 * /lang replaced en_US with en_GB
 * includes/theme-woocomerce.php added search fragment for search pagination

2011.10.19 - version 1.0.7
 * front-page.php - DELETED (remove from your theme folder)
 * index.php - added proper classes to home-content
 * includes/theme-options.php - fixed homepage content to pull a page
 * style.css - added CSS for .home-content. Tweaked styling for slider navigation
 * includes/slider.php - fixed prev/next buttons to not slide
 * images/btn-slider-left.png, images/btn-slider-right.png - tweaked images

2011.10.17 - version 1.0.6
 * includes/theme-options.php improved 'Homepage Content' label to avoid confusion

2011.10.16 - version 1.0.5
 * style.css improved sub category styling
 * includes/widgets/widget-woo-twitter.php secure http request
 * includes/theme-woocommerce.php unhooked wc sidebar

2011.10.11 - version 1.0.4
 * includes/featured-products-slider.php php class fix
 * css/effects.css, css/reset.css - merged into style.css
 * header.php - removed effects.css

2011.10.06 - version 1.0.3
 * includes/theme-options.php adding product post type to Woo SEO panel
 * style.css added form-row-wide class

2011.10.05 - version 1.0.2
 * style.css fixed a bug with the footer widget alignment in FF7.
 * style.css made sure blog posts don't wrap around breadcrumbs
 * includes/theme-actions.php line 95 made sure user specified bg colour persists when using alternate colour scheme.
 * includes/js/general.js slider persistent randomize bug

2011.10.03 - version 1.0.1
 * style.css fixed selects within tables displaying strangely in IE8.
 * style.css made h1.title & h1.page-title clear the breadcrumb.
 * includes/js/general.js removed uniform from checkboxes to fix contact form bug
 * added includes/theme-install.php for defining options on theme activation and moved image option updates here

2011.09.27 - version 1.0
 * First release!
wootique 1.6.8 :

*** Wootique Changelog ***

2013.08.09 - version 1.6.8
 * includes/theme-woocommerce.php - Tweaked how WooCommerce css is dequeued in preparation for 2.1. Tweaked related products for 2.1.
 * includes/widgets/widget-woo-adspace.php - Image src now echoed correctly.
 * style.css - Comments clear all content to fix layout. Fixed related products layout bug.

2013.06.17 - version 1.6.7
 * includes/widgets/widget-woo-adspace.php - Fixes broken image bug.

2013.06.10 - version 1.6.6
 * index.php - Fully supports Catalog Visibility Options

2013.04.17 - version 1.6.5
 * includes/theme-woocommerce.php - Removed mfunc_wrapper.

2013.03.11 - version 1.6.4
 * includes/theme-woocommerce.php - Fixed bug with cart widget ajax update bug. Removed wp_die() when WooCommerce not active. Fixed related products / upsells layout.
 * style.css - Fixed dropdown parent styling.

2013.03.05 - version 1.6.3
 * style.css - star rating positioning in product archives improved

2013.02.22 - version 1.6.2
 * includes/theme-woocommerce.php - WooCommerce 2.0 pagination preparation
 * style.css - added .woocommerce-info styles

2013.02.11 - version 1.6.1
 * includes/theme-woocommerce.php - added WooCommerce support flag

2013-01-07 - version 1.6
 * style.css - Styling preparation for WooCommerce 2.0 standardised class names (.woocommerce-)

2012.12.31 - version 1.5.1
 * index.php - fixed featured product price bug

2012.12.06 - version 1.5
 * style.css - Styling preparation for WooCommerce 2.0
 * index.php - WC_Product class replaced with get_product
 * includes/theme-woocommerce.php - disable WooCommerce lightbox when prettyPhoto is enabled

2012.12.04 - version 1.4.3
 * template-sale.php - Now displays all products on sale without pagination / sorting

2012.11.14 - version 1.4.2
 * includes/theme-woocommerce.php - fixed duplicate upsells bug

2012.08.09 - version 1.4.1
 * includes/theme-woocommerce.php cart count now uses get_cart_contents_count(). Requires WooCommerce 1.6.2+

2012.07.19 - version 1.4
 * template-sale.php - now uses content-product instead of loop-shop. Requires WooCommerce 1.6.0+

2012.07.01 - version 1.3.2
 * style.css small css tweak to fix shipping calculator bug

2012.04.17 - version 1.3.1
 * template-sale.php preparation for WooCommerce 1.5.4

2012.03.29 - version 1.3
 * header.php
   includes/theme-woocommerce.php - html5 shim now hooked into wp_head
 * header.php
   includes/theme-woocommerce.php - added woo_nav_before() action and hooked search into it
 * header.php
   includes/theme-woocommerce.php- added woo_nav_after() action and hooked cart / checkout buttons into it
 * header.php - added woo_content_before() hook
 * footer.php - added woo_content_after() hook

2012.03.01 - version 1.2.2
 * style.css improved error message style when containing a list

2012.02.20 - version 1.2.1
 * /includes/theme-woocommerce.php - Update search fragment to use & instead of ?, in accordance with WooFramework update (requires WooFramework V5.1.3 or higher).

2012.02.01 - version 1.2
 * index.php WooCommerce 1.4 preparation; replaced depreciated classes and updated custom field IDs
 * header.php
   includes/theme-options.php added option to make header search products or posts

2011.12.28 - version 1.1.5
 * includes/widgets/widget-woo-flickr.php - fixed flickr widget

2011.12.15 - version 1.1.4

2011.12.09 - version 1.1.3
 * template-sale.php added sale template

2011.11.24 - version 1.1.2
 * template-blog.php - Call remove_filter() to make sure the homepage posts exclusion doesn't run on the "Blog" page template.
 * index.php - Removed filter on posts query arguments (filter is intended for the "Blog" page template only). Resolved "undefined variable" warning messages on non-existent $settings variable.

2011.11.21 - version 1.1.1
 * includes/theme-woocommerce.php fixed pagination bug

2011.11.17 - version 1.1
 * index.php fixed the loop on the homepage to cater for excluded categories

2011.11.03 - version 1.0.9
 * includes/theme-options.php changed homepage content description to avoid confusion

2011.11.02 - version 1.0.8
 * archive.php added descriptions for categories and titles for taxonomies

2011.10.27 - version 1.0.7
 * style.css - adjusted #footer-widgets.col-4 .block margin
 * includes/sidebar-init.php - Added 4th sidebar widget
 * includes/theme-options.php - Added 4th sidebar widget
 * single.php - set video width to 500

2011.10.24 - version 1.0.6
 * includes/theme-woocommerce.php hooked WC sidebar differently for easier removal
 * style.css small fix to the featured slider when not using hard crop
 * style.css fixed alignment of post image
 * includes/theme-woocomerce.php added search fragment for search pagination

2011.10.16 - version 1.0.5
 * style.css z-index fix re nav / sale flashes
 * includes/theme-woocommerce.php remove WC sidebar

2011.10.12 - version 1.0.4
 * index.php php class fix

2011.10.07 - version 1.0.3
 * includes/theme-options.php changed inputs to selects on menu / footer / shadow opacity option. Also added custom typography options
 * includes/theme-actions.php added custom typography options
 * includes/theme-woocommerce.php moved google font declaration to includes/theme-actions.php

2011.10.06 - version 1.0.2
 * style.css fixed a bug in header display in FireFox 7.
 * includes/theme-options.php adding product post type to Woo SEO panel
 * style.css added form-row-wide class

2011.10.03 - version 1.0.1
 * style.css fixed selects within tables displaying strangely in IE8.
 * style.css Made the quantity incrementer friendlier to 2 and 3 digit numbers.
 * includes/js/general.js removed uniform from checkboxes to fix contact form bug
 * added includes/theme-install.php for defining options on theme activation and moved image option updates here

2011.09.27 - version 1.0
 * First release!
mystile 1.2.17 :

*** Mystile Changelog ***

2013.09.16 - version 1.2.17
 * includes/js/third-party.js
   includes/js/general.js - Added doubleTapToGo script to improve dropdown UX on Android touch devices.

2013.09.11 - version 1.2.16
 * template-contact.php - Removed Twitter from Contact Page.
 * includes/theme-options.php - Removed Twitter from Contact Page.
 * includes/theme-functions.php - Fixed map mousescroll option.

2013.08.22 - version 1.2.15
 * includes/theme-woocommerce.php - Tweaked how WooCommerce css is dequeued for 2.1.

2013.08.01 - version 1.2.14
 * includes/theme-woocommerce.php - Homepage category shortcode now filterable.

2013.07.22 - version 1.2.13
 * style.css - Add review form layout tweak. Removed some redundant styles and images.
 * header.php - Logo now displays correct alt - tag.

2013.06.25 - version 1.2.12
 * includes/theme-woocommerce.php - Search form now has textdomain for localisation. WooCommerce styles dequeued for WooCommerce 2.1. Related products prep for WooCommerce 2.1.
 * template-sitemap.php - Hidden products are now hidden on sitemap.

2013.06.17 - version 1.2.11
 * style.css - Fixed star ratings in widgets.

2013.05.28 - version 1.2.10
 * style.css - Switched ratings to stars instead of bar.

2013.04.25 - version 1.2.9
 * includes/theme-woocommerce.php - added mini cart in the header to add_to_cart_fragments filter to fix cache bug

2013.04.17 - version 1.2.8
 * header.php - Removed mfunc_wrapper.

2013.03.08 - version 1.2.7
 * style.css - Cart contents hidden on mobile to save layout.

2013.03.06 - version 1.2.6
 * includes/theme-woocommerce.php - fixed related products option / layout.
 * style.css - Checkout field validation.

2013.03.05 - version 1.2.5
 * css/layout.css - sale marker no longer obstructs product heading on single product page.

2013.02.20 - version 1.2.4
 * includes/theme-woocommerce.php
   includes/theme-actions.php - breadcrumb is filtered regardless of whether WooCommerce is activated
 * includes/theme-woocommerce.php - Pagination preparation for WooCommerce 2.0

2013.02.11 - version 1.2.3
 * includes/theme-woocommerce.php - added WooCommerce support flag

2013.01.30 - version 1.2.2
 * includes/theme-woocommerce.php
   css/layout.css - Header-cart now displays item total

2013.01.21 - version 1.2.1
 * style.css - rating alignment in product loops
 * header.php
   includes/theme-woocommerce.php - Cache compatibility with header-cart

2013.01.07 - version 1.2
 * style.css
 * css/layout.css - Styling preparation for WooCommerce 2.0 standardised class names (.woocommerce-)
 * style.css - fixed twitter icon position

2012.12.06 - version 1.1
 * style.css - Styling preparation for WooCommerce 2.0
 * layout.css - removed widths from hgroup / #navigation in the header so logos can be full width
 * index.php - WC_Product class replaced with get_product
 * includes/theme-woocommerce.php - disable WooCommerce lightbox when prettyPhoto is enabled

2012.11.13 - version 1.0.4
 * Fixed duplicated upsells bug on WooCommerce product pages

2012.10.30 - version 1.0.3
 * Fixed theme options naming conflict
 * Added missing textdomain in my_search_form()
 * Removed child theme constants from theme-actions.php.
 * Removed esc_url() from e-mail address output in template-contact.php

2012.08.13 - version 1.0.2
 * Fixed checkbox on contact form
 * Fixed styling of subscribe + connect widget
 * Disable WooCommerce lightbox of theme lightbox is enabled

2012.08.13 - version 1.0.1
 * Added background colour to body tag
 * Added options to display product categories and featured products on the homepage
 * Fixed logo link bug
 * Styled demo store notice banner

2012.08.09 - version 1.0
 * First release!



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تازه وارد
ورژن جدید woostore 1.7.7 اضافه شد.

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کاربر عضو
ممنونم از شما امیدوارم که ووکامرس 2.1 به یه ثبات برسه که بشه روش کار کرد

با تشکر :x:



کاربر عضو
قالب های mystyle و superstore واقعا زیبا هستند

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از دوستان کسی این قالب ها رو فارسی نکرده؟



تازه وارد
برای دریافت نسخه فارسی قالب superstore 1.1.0 به لینک زیر برید
