اررور 403 واسه چيه؟

  • نویسنده موضوع danyel
  • تاریخ شروع


تازه وارد
با سلام

من يه اسكريپت نصب كردم وقتي به قسمت ادميت ميرم و يه كس رو آپلود كنم اررور 403 ميده و آ~لود نميشه !!!

ميخواستم ببينم واسه حل اين مشكل چي كنم؟



کاربر عضو
احتمال یه فایل htaccess داره که کانفیگ نشده یا منطقه غیر مجازه!موفق باشید



تازه وارد
من به راحتي عكس آپلود ميكردم اما يهو اين جوري شد و اين اررور رو داد !!!!

دو تا فايل htaccess داره كه تو هر دو تا نوشته deny from all !!!



تازه وارد
راستي اينم يه جا پيدا كردم كه مربوط به سوال منه تو يه سايت خارجي ، اما دقيق نميدونم چي كنم !!!


Well after any headaches, I have found a solution to this.

Any http errors such as 403, 406 or where a file upload goes to a 100% but doesn't show up on the server is a result of the mod_security. This is when the file is uploaded to the temporary directory before its actually saved to somewhere you will access it from.

To correct this problem create or find the .htaccess file in your root directory then type in:

SecFilterEngine Off

SecFilterScanPOST Off

Beware though this may make your site vulnerable. So do some research on this issue and see what solutions you can find. What i did, was put SWFUpload in a subdirectory with its own .htaccess file, so no other parts of my website are affected.


كلا اينو ببينين :
