سفید بودن دکمه خرید ، در زمان استفاده کدهای کوتاه


تازه وارد
با سلام .

من به تازگی پلاگین easy digital download رو نصب کردم و یکسری مشکلات کوچیک باهاش دارم .

 1 - وقتی از کدهای کوتاهش استفاده میکنم ، دکمه بصورت سفید ظاهر میشه و وقتی که موس میره روی دکمه بعدا رنگش تغییر میکنه ، که توسط کاربر به سختی دیده میشه . من میخوام رنگ این دکمه رو در این حالت درست کنم ، باید چیکار کنم ؟

دکمه به اینضورت ظاهر میشه .

2 - مشکل بعدی اینه که من با قسمت واحد پول RIAL مشکل دارم و میخوام به تومان تغییرش بدم . که همچنین فارسی باشه . طی جستجوهایی که داشتم ، متوجه شدم که یکسری کد مربوط بهش چه در این انجمن و چه در سایتهای دیگه براش قرار دادند ، اما ؛ هر کدوم از این کدها رو در فانکشن قرار میدم اجرا نمیشه !! ( اگه کسی مطمئن هست که مشکل این قسمت همینطوری رفع میشه ، میتونم کدهای فانکشن رو براش ارسال کنم تا برام درستش کنه )


آخرین ویرایش توسط مدیر:


مدیر انجمن و توسعه دهنده ووکامرس پارسی
دوست عزیز

داخل پست ها یا برگه ها یه دکمه داره زده درج دانلود ...

بجای کد کوتاه از اون دکمه استفاده کنید رنگ بندی هم داره .



تازه وارد
دوست عزیز

داخل پست ها یا برگه ها یه دکمه داره زده درج دانلود ...

بجای کد کوتاه از اون دکمه استفاده کنید رنگ بندی هم داره .
دوست عزیز ، از همون هم استفاده کردم . اما رنگ اولیه رنگ سفید هست و رنگ دکمه در حال رفتن موس روش ، رنگی میشه که فراخوانی کردی !!



مدیر انجمن
پرسنل مدیریت
ادرس بدید تا CSS بنویسیم رفع بشه مشکلتون



تازه وارد
ادرس بدید تا CSS بنویسیم رفع بشه مشکلتون
سلام جناب .

این آدرس سایت منه .


لطفا اگه امکانش هست فایل فانکشن رو هم براتون ارسال کنم تا مشکل تبدیل ریال به تومان رو در edd هم برام حل کنید .

خیلی ممنون

آخرین ویرایش توسط مدیر:


مدیر انجمن و توسعه دهنده ووکامرس پارسی
سلام جناب .

این آدرس سایت منه .


لطفا اگه امکانش هست فایل فانکشن رو هم براتون ارسال کنم تا مشکل تبدیل ریال به تومان رو در edd هم برام حل کنید .

خیلی ممنون



تازه وارد
بفرمایید . این یکی از محصولات edd

این هم کدهای فایل فانکشنم . لطفا زحمت تبدیل ریال به تومان هم بکشید . ممنون

<?php/** * @package WordPress * @subpackage Kleo * @[member=Author] SeventhQueen <themesupport@seventhqueen.com> * @since Kleo 1.0 *//***************************************************:: Load Kleo framework***************************************************/require_once( trailingslashit( get_template_directory() ) . 'kleo-framework/kleo.php' );if ( ! isset( $content_width ) ){	$content_width = 1200;}/***************************************************:: Load Theme specific functions***************************************************/require_once( trailingslashit( get_template_directory() ) . 'lib/theme-functions.php' );/** * Sets up theme defaults and registers the various WordPress features * * @uses load_theme_textdomain() For translation/localization support. * @uses add_editor_style() To add a Visual Editor stylesheet. * @uses add_theme_support() To add support for post thumbnails, automatic feed links, * 	custom background, and post formats. * @uses register_nav_menu() To add support for navigation menus. * @uses set_post_thumbnail_size() To set a custom post thumbnail size. * * @since Kleo Framework 1.0 */function kleo_setup() {	/*	 * Makes theme available for translation.	 * Translations can be added to the /languages/ directory.	 */	load_theme_textdomain( 'kleo_framework', get_template_directory() . '/languages' );	/* This theme styles the visual editor with editor-style.css to match the theme style. */	add_editor_style();	/* Adds RSS feed links to <head> for posts and comments. */	add_theme_support( 'automatic-feed-links' );	/*	 * Enable support for Post Formats.	 * See [URL="http://codex.wordpress.org/Post_Formats"]http://codex.wordpress.org/Post_Formats[/URL]	 */	add_theme_support( 'post-formats', array(		'aside', 'image', 'video', 'audio', 'quote', 'link', 'gallery',	) );    	/* This theme uses wp_nav_menu() in two locations. */	register_nav_menu( 'primary', __( 'Primary Menu', 'kleo_framework' ) );	register_nav_menu( 'top', __( 'Top Menu', 'kleo_framework' ) );	/* This theme uses a custom image size for featured images, displayed on "standard" posts. */	add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' );	set_post_thumbnail_size( 672, 9999 ); // Unlimited height, soft crop 	add_image_size( 'kleo-full-width', 1038, 583 );	/*	 * Switch default core markup for search form, comment form, and comments	 * to output valid HTML5.	 */	add_theme_support( 'html5', array(		'search-form', 'comment-form', 'comment-list',	) );			// Add support for featured content.	add_theme_support( 'featured-content', array(		'featured_content_filter' => 'kleo_get_featured_posts',		'max_posts' => 6,	) );		/* Specific framework functionality */	add_theme_support( 'kleo-sidebar-generator' );	add_theme_support( 'kleo-facebook-login' );    add_theme_support( 'kleo-mega-menu' );    add_theme_support( 'kleo-menu-items' );    add_theme_support( 'kleo-portfolio' );    	/* Third-party plugins */	add_theme_support( 'bbpress' );	add_theme_support( 'woocommerce' );	}add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'kleo_setup' );if (!function_exists('kleo_wp_title')):	/**	 * Creates a nicely formatted and more specific title element text	 * for output in head of document, based on current view.	 *	 * @since Kleo Framework 1.0	 *	 * @[member=paramis] string $title Default title text for current view.	 * @[member=paramis] string $sep Optional separator.	 * @return string Filtered title.	 */	function kleo_wp_title( $title, $sep ) 	{			global $paged, $page;			if ( is_feed() ) {					return $title;			}			// Add the site name.			$title .= get_bloginfo( 'name' );			// Add the site description for the home/front page.			$site_description = get_bloginfo( 'description', 'display' );			if ( $site_description && ( is_home() || is_front_page() ) ) {					$title = "$title $sep $site_description";			}			// Add a page number if necessary.			if ( $paged >= 2 || $page >= 2 ) {					$title = "$title $sep " . sprintf( __( 'Page %s', 'kleo_framework' ), max( $paged, $page ) );			}						return $title;	}	add_filter( 'wp_title', 'kleo_wp_title', 10, 2 );endif;/***************************************************:: Main menu Navigation***************************************************//** * Modify some elements for the menu */if ( ! class_exists( 'kleo_walker_nav_menu' ) ):	class kleo_walker_nav_menu extends Walker_Nav_Menu {		/**		 * @see Walker::start_lvl()		 * @since 3.0.0		 *		 * @[member=paramis] string $output Passed by reference. Used to append additional content.		 * @[member=paramis] int $depth Depth of page. Used for padding.		 */		public function start_lvl( &$output, $depth = 0, $args = array() ) {			$indent = str_repeat( "\t", $depth );			$output .= "\n$indent<ul role=\"menu\" class=\"dropdown-menu".($depth ===0?" pull-left":"")."\">\n";		}		/**		 * @see Walker::start_el()		 * @since 3.0.0		 *		 * @[member=paramis] string $output Passed by reference. Used to append additional content.		 * @[member=paramis] object $item Menu item data object.		 * @[member=paramis] int $depth Depth of menu item. Used for padding.		 * @[member=paramis] int $current_page Menu item ID.		 * @[member=paramis] object $args		 */		public function start_el( &$output, $item, $depth = 0, $args = array(), $id = 0 ) {			$indent = ( $depth ) ? str_repeat( "\t", $depth ) : '';			/**			 * Dividers, Headers or Disabled			 * =============================			 * Determine whether the item is a Divider, Header, Disabled or regular			 * menu item. To prevent errors we use the strcasecmp() function to so a			 * comparison that is not case sensitive. The strcasecmp() function returns			 * a 0 if the strings are equal.			 */			if ( strcasecmp( $item->attr_title, 'divider' ) == 0 && $depth === 1 ) {				$output .= $indent . '<li role="presentation" class="divider">';			} else if ( strcasecmp( $item->title, 'divider') == 0 && $depth === 1 ) {				$output .= $indent . '<li role="presentation" class="divider">';			} else if ( strcasecmp( $item->attr_title, 'dropdown-header') == 0 && $depth === 1 ) {				$output .= $indent . '<li role="presentation" class="dropdown-header">' . esc_attr( $item->title );			} else if ( strcasecmp($item->attr_title, 'disabled' ) == 0 ) {				$output .= $indent . '<li role="presentation" class="disabled"><a href="#">' . esc_attr( $item->title ) . '</a>';			} else {				$class_names = $value = '';				$classes = empty( $item->classes ) ? array() : (array) $item->classes;				$classes[] = 'menu-item-' . $item->ID;				$class_names = join( ' ', apply_filters( 'nav_menu_css_class', array_filter( $classes ), $item, $args ) );				if ( $args->has_children && $depth === 1 ) {					$class_names .= ' dropdown-submenu';				}				elseif($args->has_children) {					$class_names .= ' dropdown';					if ($item->mega == 'yes') {						$class_names .= ' kleo-megamenu';					}					$submenus = $depth == 0 ? get_posts( array( 'post_type' => 'nav_menu_item', 'numberposts' => -1, 'orderby' => 'menu_order', 'order' => 'ASC', 'meta_query' => array( array( 'key' => '_menu_item_menu_item_parent', 'value' => $item->ID ) ) ) ) : false;					$count = $submenus ? count( $submenus ) : 'no';										$class_names .= ' mega-' . $count . '-cols';				}				if ( in_array( 'current-menu-item', $classes ) )					$class_names .= ' active';				$class_names = $class_names ? ' class="' . esc_attr( $class_names ) . '"' : '';				$id = apply_filters( 'nav_menu_item_id', 'menu-item-'. $item->ID, $item, $args );				$id = $id ? ' id="' . esc_attr( $id ) . '"' : '';                $data_li = $indent . '<li' . $id . $value . $class_names .'>';				$atts = array();				if (strpos($item->attr_title,'class=') !== false) {					$atts['class'] = (isset($atts['class']) ? $atts['class']." " : '') . str_replace('class=', '', $item->attr_title);				}else {					$atts['title'] = ! empty( $item->attr_title ) ? $item->attr_title : ( ! empty( $item->title ) ? esc_attr($item->title) : '' );				}				$atts['target'] = ! empty( $item->target )        ? $item->target        : '';				$atts['rel'] = ! empty( $item->xfn )                ? $item->xfn        : '';				// If item has_children add atts to a.				if ( $args->has_children && $depth === 0 ) {					//$atts['href']				= '#';					$atts['href']					= ! empty( $item->url ) ? $item->url : '';					//$atts['data-toggle']	= 'dropdown';					$atts['class']				= 'js-activated';				} else {					$atts['href'] = ! empty( $item->url ) ? $item->url : '';				}									$atts = apply_filters( 'nav_menu_link_attributes', $atts, $item, $args );				$attributes = '';				foreach ( $atts as $attr => $value ) {					if ( ! empty( $value ) ) {						$value = ( 'href' === $attr ) ? esc_url( $value ) : esc_attr( $value );						$attributes .= ' ' . $attr . '="' . $value . '"';					}				}				$item_output = $args->before;				$item_output .= '<a'. $attributes .'>';                /* Menu icons */                if (isset( $item->icon ) && $item->icon != '') {                    $title_icon = '<i class="icon-' . $item->icon . '"></i>';                    if ( $item->iconpos == 'after' ) {                        $title = $item->title . ' ' . $title_icon;                    }                    elseif ( $item->iconpos == 'icon' ) {                        $title = $title_icon;                    }                    else {                        $title = $title_icon . ' ' . $item->title;                    }                }                else {                    $title = $item->title;                }				$item_output .= $args->link_before . apply_filters( 'the_title', $title, $item->ID ) . $args->link_after;				$item_output .= ( $args->has_children && in_array($depth, array(0,1))) ? ' <span class="caret"></span></a>' : '</a>';				$item_output .= $args->after;                        //custom filters                $css_target = preg_match( '/\skleo-(.*)-nav/', implode( ' ', $item->classes), $matches );                // If this isn't a KLEO menu item, we can stop here                if ( ! empty( $matches[1] ) ) {                    $item_output = apply_filters( 'walker_nav_menu_start_el_' . $matches[1], $item_output, $item, $depth, $args );                    $data_li = apply_filters( 'walker_nav_menu_start_el_li_' . $matches[1], $data_li, $item, $depth, $args);                }                $output .= $data_li;				$output .= apply_filters( 'walker_nav_menu_start_el', $item_output, $item, $depth, $args );			}		}		/**		 * Traverse elements to create list from elements.		 *		 * Display one element if the element doesn't have any children otherwise,		 * display the element and its children. Will only traverse up to the max		 * depth and no ignore elements under that depth.		 *		 * This method shouldn't be called directly, use the walk() method instead.		 *		 * @see Walker::start_el()		 * @since 2.5.0		 *		 * @[member=paramis] object $element Data object		 * @[member=paramis] array $children_elements List of elements to continue traversing.		 * @[member=paramis] int $max_depth Max depth to traverse.		 * @[member=paramis] int $depth Depth of current element.		 * @[member=paramis] array $args		 * @[member=paramis] string $output Passed by reference. Used to append additional content.		 * @return null Null on failure with no changes to parameters.		 */		public function display_element( $element, &$children_elements, $max_depth, $depth, $args, &$output ) {		if ( ! $element )				return;		$id_field = $this->db_fields['id'];		// Display this element.		if ( is_object( $args[0] ) )			 $args[0]->has_children = ! empty( $children_elements[ $element->$id_field ] );		parent::display_element( $element, $children_elements, $max_depth, $depth, $args, $output );		}		/**		 * Menu Fallback		 * =============		 * If this function is assigned to the wp_nav_menu's fallback_cb variable		 * and a manu has not been assigned to the theme location in the WordPress		 * menu manager the function with display nothing to a non-logged in user,		 * and will add a link to the WordPress menu manager if logged in as an admin.		 *		 * @[member=paramis] array $args passed from the wp_nav_menu function.		 *		 */		public static function fallback( $args ) {			if ( current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) {				extract( $args );				$fb_output = null;				if ( $container ) {					$fb_output = '<' . $container;					if ( $container_id )						$fb_output .= ' id="' . $container_id . '"';					if ( $container_class )						$fb_output .= ' class="' . $container_class . '"';					$fb_output .= '>';				}				$fb_output .= '<ul';				if ( $menu_id )					$fb_output .= ' id="' . $menu_id . '"';				if ( $menu_class )					$fb_output .= ' class="' . $menu_class . '"';				$fb_output .= '>';				$fb_output .= '<li><a href="' . admin_url( 'nav-menus.php' ) . '">Add a menu</a></li>';				$fb_output .= '</ul>';				if ( $container )					$fb_output .= '</' . $container . '>';				echo $fb_output;			}		}	}	endif;//------------------------------------------------------------------------------/***************************************************:: Featured content ***************************************************//** * Getter function for Featured Content Plugin. * * @since Kleo 1.0 * * @return array An array of WP_Post objects. */function kleo_get_featured_posts() {	/**	 * Filter the featured posts to return in Kleo.	 *	 * @since Kleo 1.0	 *	 * @[member=paramis] array|bool $posts Array of featured posts, otherwise false.	 */	return apply_filters( 'kleo_get_featured_posts', array() );}/** * A helper conditional function that returns a boolean value. * * @since Kleo 1.0 * * @return bool Whether there are featured posts. */function kleo_has_featured_posts() {	return ! is_paged() && (bool) kleo_get_featured_posts();}/* * Add Featured Content functionality. * * To overwrite in a plugin, define your own Featured_Content class on or * before the 'setup_theme' hook. */if ( ! class_exists( 'Featured_Content' ) && 'plugins.php' !== $GLOBALS['pagenow'] ) {	require get_template_directory() . '/lib/featured-content/featured-content.php';}//------------------------------------------------------------------------------if (!function_exists('kleo_widgets_init')):	/**	 * Registers our main widget area and the front page widget areas.	 *	 * @since Kleo 1.0	 */	function kleo_widgets_init() {		register_sidebar( array(			'name' => __( 'Main Sidebar', 'kleo_framework' ),			'id' => 'sidebar-1',			'description' => __( 'Default sidebar', 'kleo_framework' ),			'before_widget' => '<div id="%1$s" class="widget %2$s">',			'after_widget' => '</div>',			'before_title' => '<h4 class="widget-title">',			'after_title' => '</h4>',		) );		register_sidebar(array(			'name' => 'Footer column 1',			'id' => 'footer-1',			'before_widget' => '<div id="%1$s" class="widget %2$s">',			'after_widget' => '</div>',			'before_title' => '<h4 class="widget-title">',			'after_title' => '</h4>',		));		register_sidebar(array(			'name' => 'Footer column 2',				'id' => 'footer-2',			'before_widget' => '<div id="%1$s" class="widget %2$s">',			'after_widget' => '</div>',			'before_title' => '<h4 class="widget-title">',			'after_title' => '</h4>',		));		register_sidebar(array(			'name' => 'Footer column 3',			'id' => 'footer-3',			'before_widget' => '<div id="%1$s" class="widget %2$s">',			'after_widget' => '</div>',			'before_title' => '<h4 class="widget-title">',			'after_title' => '</h4>',		));		register_sidebar(array(			'name' => 'Footer column 4',			'id' => 'footer-4',			'before_widget' => '<div id="%1$s" class="widget %2$s">',			'after_widget' => '</div>',			'before_title' => '<h4 class="widget-title">',			'after_title' => '</h4>',		));    register_sidebar(array(			'name' => 'Extra - for 3 columns pages',			'id' => 'extra',			'before_widget' => '<div id="%1$s" class="widget %2$s">',			'after_widget' => '</div>',			'before_title' => '<h4 class="widget-title">',			'after_title' => '</h4>',     ));    register_sidebar(array(			'name' => 'Shop sidebar',			'id' => 'shop-1',			'before_widget' => '<div id="%1$s" class="widget %2$s">',			'after_widget' => '</div>',			'before_title' => '<h4 class="widget-title">',			'after_title' => '</h4>',     ));	}endif;add_action( 'widgets_init', 'kleo_widgets_init' );if ( ! function_exists( 'kleo_entry_meta' ) ) :	/**	 * Prints HTML with meta information for current post: categories, tags, permalink, author, and date.	 * Create your own kleo_entry_meta() to override in a child theme.	 * @since 1.0	 */	function kleo_entry_meta($echo=true, $att=array()) {			$meta_list = array();				// Translators: used between list items, there is a space after the comma.		$categories_list = get_the_category_list( __( ', ', 'kleo_framework' ) );		// Translators: used between list items, there is a space after the comma.		$tag_list = get_the_tag_list( '', __( ', ', 'kleo_framework' ) );		$date = sprintf( '<a href="%1$s" title="%2$s" rel="bookmark" class="post-time"><time class="entry-date" datetime="%3$s">%4$s</time></a>',			esc_url( get_permalink() ),			esc_attr( get_the_time() ),			esc_attr( get_the_date( 'c' ) ),			esc_html( get_the_date() )		);		$author = sprintf( '<a href="%1$s" title="%2$s" rel="author">%3$s</a>',			esc_url( get_author_posts_url( get_the_author_meta( 'ID' ) ) ),			esc_attr( sprintf( __( 'View all posts by %s', 'kleo_framework' ), get_the_author() ) ),			get_the_author()		);		$meta_list[] = '<small class="meta-author">'.$author.'</small>';		$meta_list[] = '<small>'.$date.'</small>';				$cat_tag = array();				if ( $categories_list ) {			$cat_tag[] = $categories_list;		}				if ($tag_list) {			$cat_tag[] = $tag_list;		}		if (!empty($cat_tag)) {			$meta_list[] = '<small class="meta-category">'.implode(", ",$cat_tag).'</small>';		}				//comments		if (!isset($att['comments']) || (isset($att['comments']) && $att['comments'] !== false)) {		$meta_list[] = '<small class="meta-comment-count"><a href="'. get_permalink().'#comments">'.get_comments_number().' <i class="icon-chat-1 hover-tip" 			data-original-title="'.sprintf( _n( 'This article has one comment', 'This article has %1$s comments', get_comments_number(), 'kleo_framework' ),number_format_i18n( get_comments_number() ) ).'" 			data-toggle="tooltip" 			data-placement="top"></i></a></small>';		}				if ($echo) {			echo implode(", ", $meta_list);		}		else {			return implode(", ", $meta_list);		}			}endif;/***************************************************:: Comments functions***************************************************/if (!function_exists('kleo_custom_comments')) {	/**	 * Display customized comments	 * @[member=paramis] object $comment	 * @[member=paramis] array $args	 * @[member=paramis] integer $depth	 */	function kleo_custom_comments($comment, $args, $depth) {		$GLOBALS['comment'] = $comment;		$GLOBALS['comment_depth'] = $depth;		?>		<li id="comment-<?php comment_ID() ?>" <?php comment_class('clearfix') ?>>			<div class="comment-wrap clearfix">				<div class="comment-avatar kleo-rounded">					<?php if(function_exists('get_avatar')) { echo get_avatar($comment, '100'); } ?>					<?php if ($comment->comment_author_email == get_the_author_meta('email')) { ?>					<span class="tooltip"><?php _e("Author", "kleo_framework"); ?><span class="arrow"></span></span>					<?php } ?>				</div>				<div class="comment-content">					<div class="comment-meta">						<?php							printf('<span class="comment-author">%1$s</span> <span class="comment-date">%2$s</span>',								get_comment_author_link(),								human_time_diff( get_comment_time('U'), current_time('timestamp') ) . ' ' . __("ago", "kleo_framework")							);						?>					</div>					<?php if ($comment->comment_approved == '0') _e("<span class='unapproved'>Your comment is awaiting moderation.</span>\n", 'kleo_framework') ?>					<div class="comment-body">							<?php comment_text() ?>					</div>					<div class="comment-meta-actions">						<?php						edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'kleo_framework'), '<span class="edit-link">', '</span><span class="meta-sep"> |</span>');						?>						<?php if($args['type'] == 'all' || get_comment_type() == 'comment') :							comment_reply_link(array_merge($args, array(									'reply_text' => __('Reply','kleo_framework'),									'login_text' => __('Log in to reply.','kleo_framework'),									'depth' => $depth,									'before' => '<span class="comment-reply">',									'after' => '</span>'							)));						endif; ?>					</div>				</div>			</div><?php }} // end kleo_custom_commentsif (!function_exists('kleo_comment_form')) :	/**	 * Outputs a complete commenting form for use within a template.	 * Most strings and form fields may be controlled through the $args array passed	 * into the function, while you may also choose to use the comment_form_default_fields	 * filter to modify the array of default fields if you'd just like to add a new	 * one or remove a single field. All fields are also individually passed through	 * a filter of the form comment_form_field_$name where $name is the key used	 * in the array of fields.	 *	 * @[member=paramis] array $args Options for strings, fields etc in the form	 * @[member=paramis] mixed $post_id Post ID to generate the form for, uses the current post if null	 * @return void	 */	function kleo_comment_form( $args = array(), $post_id = null ) {		global $id;		$user = wp_get_current_user();		$user_identity = $user->exists() ? $user->display_name : '';		if ( null === $post_id ) {			$post_id = $id;		}		else {			$id = $post_id;		}		if ( comments_open( $post_id ) ) :		?>		<div id="respond-wrap">			<?php 				$commenter = wp_get_current_commenter();				$req = get_option( 'require_name_email' );				$aria_req = ( $req ? " aria-required='true'" : '' );				$fields =  array(					'author' => '<div class="row"><p class="comment-form-author col-sm-4"><label for="author">' . __( 'Name', 'kleo_framework' ) . '</label> ' . ( $req ? '<span class="required">*</span>' : '' ) . '<input id="author" name="author" type="text" class="form-control" value="' . esc_attr( $commenter['comment_author'] ) . '" size="30"' . $aria_req . ' /></p>',					'email' => '<p class="comment-form-email col-sm-4"><label for="email">' . __( 'Email', 'kleo_framework' ) . '</label> ' . ( $req ? '<span class="required">*</span>' : '' ) . '<input id="email" name="email" type="text" class="form-control" value="' . esc_attr(  $commenter['comment_author_email'] ) . '" size="30"' . $aria_req . ' /></p>',					'url' => '<p class="comment-form-url col-sm-4"><label for="url">' . __( 'Website', 'kleo_framework' ) . '</label><input id="url" name="url" type="text" class="form-control" value="' . esc_attr( $commenter['comment_author_url'] ) . '" size="30" /></p></div>'				);                if (function_exists('bp_is_active')) {          $profile_link = bp_get_loggedin_user_link();        }        else {          $profile_link = admin_url( 'profile.php' );        }        				$comments_args = array(						'fields'               => apply_filters( 'comment_form_default_fields', $fields ),						'logged_in_as'		   => '<p class="logged-in-as">' . sprintf( __( 'Logged in as <a href="%1$s">%2$s</a>. <a href="%3$s" title="Log out of this account">Log out?</a>', 'kleo_framework' ), $profile_link, $user_identity, wp_logout_url( apply_filters( 'the_permalink', get_permalink( ) ) ) ) . '</p>',						'title_reply'          => __( 'Leave a reply', 'kleo_framework' ),						'title_reply_to'       => __( 'Leave a reply to %s', 'kleo_framework' ),						'cancel_reply_link'    => __( 'Click here to cancel the reply', 'kleo_framework' ),						'label_submit'         => __( 'Post comment', 'kleo_framework' ),						'comment_field'		   => '<p class="comment-form-comment"><label for="comment">' . __( 'Comment', 'kleo_framework' ) . '</label><textarea class="form-control" id="comment" name="comment" cols="45" rows="8" aria-required="true"></textarea></p>',						'must_log_in'		   => '<p class="must-log-in">' .  sprintf( __( 'You must be <a href="%s">logged in</a> to post a comment.', 'kleo_framework' ), wp_login_url( apply_filters( 'the_permalink', get_permalink( ) ) ) ) . '</p>',				);			comment_form($comments_args); 			?>		</div>		<?php		endif;	}endif;if ( ! function_exists( 'kleo_the_attached_image' ) ) :/** * Print the attached image with a link to the next attached image. * * @since Kleo 1.0 * * @return void */function kleo_the_attached_image() {	$post = get_post();	/**	 * Filter the default attachment size.	 *	 * @since Kleo 1.0	 *	 * @[member=paramis] array $dimensions {	 *     An array of height and width dimensions.	 *	 *     @type int $height Height of the image in pixels. Default 810.	 *     @type int $width  Width of the image in pixels. Default 810.	 * }	 */	$attachment_size     = apply_filters( 'kleo_attachment_size', array( 810, 810 ) );	$next_attachment_url = wp_get_attachment_url();	/*	 * Grab the IDs of all the image attachments in a gallery so we can get the URL	 * of the next adjacent image in a gallery, or the first image (if we're	 * looking at the last image in a gallery), or, in a gallery of one, just the	 * link to that image file.	 */	$attachment_ids = get_posts( array(		'post_parent'    => $post->post_parent,		'fields'         => 'ids',		'numberposts'    => -1,		'post_status'    => 'inherit',		'post_type'      => 'attachment',		'post_mime_type' => 'image',		'order'          => 'ASC',		'orderby'        => 'menu_order ID',	) );	// If there is more than 1 attachment in a gallery...	if ( count( $attachment_ids ) > 1 ) {		foreach ( $attachment_ids as $attachment_id ) {			if ( $attachment_id == $post->ID ) {				$next_id = current( $attachment_ids );				break;			}		}		// get the URL of the next image attachment...		if ( $next_id ) {			$next_attachment_url = get_attachment_link( $next_id );		}		// or get the URL of the first image attachment.		else {			$next_attachment_url = get_attachment_link( array_shift( $attachment_ids ) );		}	}	printf( '<a href="%1$s" rel="attachment">%2$s</a>',		esc_url( $next_attachment_url ),		wp_get_attachment_image( $post->ID, $attachment_size )	);}endif;/***************************************************:: Sidebar logic***************************************************/if (!function_exists('kleo_switch_layout')) {	/**	 * Change site layout	 * @[member=paramis] string $layout	 */	function kleo_switch_layout($layout=false, $priority = 10)	{		if($layout == false) {			$layout = sq_option('global_sidebar', 'right');		}				$main_width_2cols = (int)sq_option('main_width_2cols', 9) == 0 ? 9 : (int)sq_option('main_width_2cols', 9);		$main_width_3cols = (int)sq_option('main_width_3cols', 6) == 0 ? 6 : (int)sq_option('main_width_3cols', 6);				$sidebar_width_2cols = 12 - $main_width_2cols;		$sidebar_width_3cols = ( 12 - $main_width_3cols ) / 2;		switch ($layout) {			case 'left':				add_action('kleo_after_content', 'kleo_sidebar', $priority);				remove_action('kleo_after_content', 'kleo_extra_sidebar');				add_filter('kleo_main_template_classes', create_function('$cols', '$cols = "col-sm-' . $main_width_2cols . ' col-sm-push-' . $sidebar_width_2cols . ' tpl-left"; return $cols;'), $priority);				add_filter('kleo_sidebar_classes', create_function('$cols', '$cols = "col-sm-' . $sidebar_width_2cols . ' sidebar-left col-sm-pull-' . $main_width_2cols . '"; return $cols;'), $priority);				break;			case 'no':		//full width				remove_action( 'kleo_after_content', 'kleo_sidebar' );				remove_action('kleo_after_content', 'kleo_extra_sidebar' );				add_filter('kleo_main_template_classes', create_function('$cols', '$cols = "col-sm-12 tpl-no"; return $cols;'), $priority );				//enable full-width elements				if (is_singular() && kleo_has_shortcode('vc_row')) {					add_filter( 'kleo_main_container_class', 'kleo_ret_full_container', $priority );				}								break;			case '3ll':				add_action('kleo_after_content', 'kleo_sidebar', $priority);				add_action('kleo_after_content', 'kleo_extra_sidebar', $priority);				add_filter('kleo_main_template_classes', create_function('$cols', '$cols = "col-sm-' . $main_width_3cols . ' col-sm-push-' . ( $sidebar_width_3cols * 2 ) . ' tpl-3ll"; return $cols;'), $priority);				add_filter('kleo_sidebar_classes', create_function('$cols', '$cols = "col-sm-' . $sidebar_width_3cols . ' col-sm-pull-' . $main_width_3cols . ' sidebar-3ll"; return $cols;'), $priority);				add_filter('kleo_extra_sidebar_classes', create_function('$cols', '$cols = "col-sm-' . $sidebar_width_3cols . ' col-sm-pull-' . $main_width_3cols . ' sidebar-3ll"; return $cols;'), $priority);				break;			case '3lr':				add_action('kleo_after_content', 'kleo_sidebar', $priority);				add_action('kleo_after_content', 'kleo_extra_sidebar', $priority);				add_filter('kleo_main_template_classes', create_function('$cols', '$cols = "col-sm-' . $main_width_3cols . ' col-sm-push-' . $sidebar_width_3cols . ' tpl-3lr"; return $cols;'), $priority);				add_filter('kleo_sidebar_classes', create_function('$cols', '$cols = "col-sm-' . $sidebar_width_3cols . ' col-sm-pull-' . $main_width_3cols . ' sidebar-3lr"; return $cols;'), $priority);				add_filter('kleo_extra_sidebar_classes', create_function('$cols', '$cols = "col-sm-' . $sidebar_width_3cols .  ' sidebar-3lr"; return $cols;'), $priority);				break;			case '3rr':				add_action('kleo_after_content', 'kleo_sidebar', $priority);				add_action('kleo_after_content', 'kleo_extra_sidebar', $priority);				add_filter('kleo_main_template_classes', create_function('$cols', '$cols = "col-sm-' . $main_width_3cols . ' tpl-3rr"; return $cols;'), $priority);				add_filter('kleo_sidebar_classes', create_function('$cols', '$cols = "col-sm-' . $sidebar_width_3cols . ' sidebar-3rr"; return $cols;'), $priority);				add_filter('kleo_extra_sidebar_classes', create_function('$cols', '$cols = "col-sm-' . $sidebar_width_3cols . ' sidebar-3rr"; return $cols;'), $priority);				break;			case 'right':			default:				add_action( 'kleo_after_content', 'kleo_sidebar', $priority );				remove_action('kleo_after_content', 'kleo_extra_sidebar');				add_filter('kleo_main_template_classes', create_function('$cols', '$cols = "col-sm-' . $main_width_2cols . ' tpl-right"; return $cols;'), $priority);				add_filter('kleo_sidebar_classes', create_function('$cols', '$cols = "col-sm-' . $sidebar_width_2cols . ' sidebar-right"; return $cols;'), $priority);				break;		}	}}if ( !function_exists( 'kleo_prepare_layout' ) ) {	/**	 * Prepare site layout with different customizations	 * @global string $kleo_custom_logo	 */	function kleo_prepare_layout() {		//Change the template		$layout = sq_option('global_sidebar', 'right');		if (is_home()) {			$layout = sq_option('blog_layout', 'right');		}			elseif (is_archive()) {			$layout = sq_option('cat_layout', 'right');		}		elseif( is_singular( array('post', 'portfolio') )                && get_cfield('post_layout') && get_cfield('post_layout') != 'default' ) {			$layout = get_cfield('post_layout');		}		$layout = apply_filters('kleo_page_layout', $layout);		kleo_switch_layout( $layout );		/* Single post of any post type */		if( is_singular() )		{			$topbar_status = get_cfield('topbar_status');			//Top bar			if ( isset($topbar_status) ) {				if ( $topbar_status === '1' ) {					add_filter('kleo_show_top_bar', create_function('', 'return 1;'));				} elseif ( $topbar_status === '0' ) {					add_filter('kleo_show_top_bar', create_function('', 'return 0;'));				}			}			//Header and Footer settings			if (get_cfield('hide_header') && get_cfield('hide_header') == 1 ) {				remove_action('kleo_header', 'kleo_show_header');			}			if (get_cfield('hide_footer') && get_cfield('hide_footer') == 1 ) {				add_filter('kleo_footer_hidden', create_function('$status','return true;'));			}			if (get_cfield('hide_socket') && get_cfield('hide_socket') == 1 ) {				remove_action('kleo_after_footer', 'kleo_show_socket');			}			//Custom logo			if( get_cfield('logo') ) {				global $kleo_custom_logo;				$kleo_custom_logo = get_cfield('logo');				add_filter('kleo_logo', create_function("",'global $kleo_custom_logo; return $kleo_custom_logo;'));			}            //Remove shop icon            if (get_cfield('hide_shop_icon') && get_cfield('hide_shop_icon') == 1 ) {                remove_filter('wp_nav_menu_items', 'kleo_woo_header_cart', 9);                remove_filter('kleo_mobile_header_icons', 'kleo_woo_mobile_icon', 10);            }            //Remove search icon            if (get_cfield('hide_search_icon') && get_cfield('hide_search_icon') == 1 ) {                remove_filter('wp_nav_menu_items', 'kleo_search_menu_item', 10);            }		}		//Show title in main content - if set from Theme options		add_action('kleo_before_main_content', 'kleo_title_main_content');	}}add_action('wp_head','kleo_prepare_layout');//get the global sidebarif (!function_exists('kleo_sidebar')):	function kleo_sidebar()	{		get_sidebar();	}endif;//get the extra sidebarif (!function_exists('kleo_extra_sidebar')):	function kleo_extra_sidebar()	{		$classes = apply_filters('kleo_extra_sidebar_classes', '');				echo '<div class="sidebar sidebar-extra '.$classes.'">'			. '<div class="inner-content">';				generated_dynamic_sidebar('extra');				echo '</div>'		.'</div> <!--end sidebar columns-->';	}endif;function kleo_ret_full_container(){	return 'container-full';}if ( ! function_exists( 'kleo_title_main_content' ) ) {	/**	 * Echo the title if it was set to show in main content area	 */	function kleo_title_main_content() {		if (sq_option('title_location', 'breadcrumb') == 'main') {						$title_status = true;			if( is_singular() && get_cfield( 'title_checkbox' ) == 1 ) {				$title_status = false;			}			if ( $title_status ) {				echo '<div class="container">';				echo '<h1 class="page-title">' . kleo_title() . '</h1>';				echo '</div>';			}					}	}}/***************************************************:: Render the header section with the menus***************************************************/function kleo_show_header() {	get_template_part('page-parts/general-header-section');}add_action('kleo_header', 'kleo_show_header');/***************************************************:: Extra body classes***************************************************/add_filter('body_class','kleo_body_classes');/** * Adds specific classes to body element * @[member=paramis] array $classes * @return array * @since 1.0 */function kleo_body_classes($classes = '') {	if(is_admin_bar_showing() && sq_option('admin_bar',1 ) == 1) {		$classes[] = 'adminbar-enable';	}		if (sq_option('responsive_design',1) == 0) {		$classes[] = 'not-responsive';	}		if (sq_option('sticky_menu',1) == 1) {		$classes[] = 'kleo-navbar-fixed';		if (sq_option('resize_logo',1) == 1) {			$classes[] = 'navbar-resize';		}			}		if (sq_option('transparent_logo',1) == 1					|| ((is_single() || is_page()) && get_cfield('transparent_menu'))					) {		$classes[] = 'navbar-transparent';	}	return $classes;}// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------/***************************************************:: Theme options link in Admin bar***************************************************/add_action('admin_bar_menu', 'kleo_add_adminbar_options', 100);function kleo_add_adminbar_options($admin_bar){	if ( is_super_admin() && ! is_admin() ) {		$admin_bar->add_menu( array(				'id'    => 'theme-options',				'title' => __('Theme options','kleo_framework'),				'href'  => get_admin_url().'admin.php?page=kleo_options',				'meta'  => array(					'title' => __('Theme options','kleo_framework'),					'target' => '_blank'				),		));	}	}/***************************************************:: Add mp4, webm and ogv mimes for uploads***************************************************/add_filter('upload_mimes','kleo_add_upload_mimes');if(!function_exists('kleo_add_upload_mimes')){	function kleo_add_upload_mimes($mimes){ return array_merge($mimes, array ('mp4' => 'video/mp4', 'ogv' => 'video/ogg', 'webm' => 'video/webm')); }}/***************************************************:: Scripts/Styles load***************************************************/add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'kleo_frontend_files' );if (!function_exists('kleo_frontend_files')):	// Register some javascript files	function kleo_frontend_files() 	{		//head scripts		wp_register_script( 'kleo-init', get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/js/init.js', array(),KLEO_THEME_VERSION, false );		wp_register_script( 'modernizr', get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/js/modernizr.custom.46504.js', array(),KLEO_THEME_VERSION, false );		/* Footer scripts */		wp_register_script( 'bootstrap', get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/js/bootstrap.min.js', array('jquery'),KLEO_THEME_VERSION, true );		wp_register_script( 'waypoints', get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/js/plugins/waypoints.min.js', array('jquery'),KLEO_THEME_VERSION, true );		wp_register_script( 'magnific-popup', get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/js/plugins/magnific-popup/magnific.min.js', array('jquery'),KLEO_THEME_VERSION, true );		wp_register_script( 'caroufredsel', get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/js/plugins/carouFredSel/jquery.carouFredSel-6.2.0-packed.js', array('jquery'),KLEO_THEME_VERSION, true );		wp_register_script( 'jquery-mousewheel', get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/js/plugins/carouFredSel/helper-plugins/jquery.mousewheel.min.js', array('jquery', 'caroufredsel'),KLEO_THEME_VERSION, true );		wp_register_script( 'jquery-touchswipe', get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/js/plugins/carouFredSel/helper-plugins/jquery.touchSwipe.min.js', array('jquery', 'caroufredsel'),KLEO_THEME_VERSION, true );		wp_register_script( 'isotope', get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/js/plugins/jquery.isotope.min.js', array('jquery'),KLEO_THEME_VERSION, true );		wp_register_script( 'kleo-scripts', get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/js/scripts.js', array('jquery'),KLEO_THEME_VERSION, true );		wp_register_script( 'kleo-shortcodes', get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/js/shortcodes.min.js', array('jquery'),KLEO_THEME_VERSION, true );		wp_register_script( 'app', get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/js/app.min.js', array('jquery'),KLEO_THEME_VERSION, true );		//enque them		wp_enqueue_script('kleo-init');		wp_enqueue_script('modernizr');		wp_enqueue_script('bootstrap');		wp_enqueue_script('waypoints');		wp_enqueue_script('magnific-popup');		wp_enqueue_script('caroufredsel');		wp_enqueue_script('jquery-touchswipe');		wp_enqueue_script('mediaelement');		wp_enqueue_script('isotope');			wp_enqueue_script('kleo-scripts');		wp_enqueue_script('kleo-shortcodes');		wp_enqueue_script('app');		$retina_logo = sq_option_url('logo_retina') != '' ? sq_option_url('logo_retina') : "";		if (is_singular() && get_cfield('logo_retina') ) {			$retina_logo = get_cfield('logo_retina');		}		$obj_array = array(				'ajaxurl' =>  home_url().'/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php',				'goTop' => sq_option('go_top', 1),				'ajaxSearch' => sq_option('ajax_search', 1),				'alreadyLiked' => sq_option('likes_already', 'You already like this'),				'retinaLogo' => $retina_logo,        'loadingmessage' => '<i class="icon icon-spin5 animate-spin"></i> '.__('Sending info, please wait...', 'kleo_framework')		);    $obj_array = apply_filters( 'kleo_localize_app', $obj_array );    		wp_localize_script( 'app', 'kleoFramework', $obj_array );		if ( is_singular() && comments_open() && get_option( 'thread_comments' ) ) {			wp_enqueue_script( 'comment-reply' );		}						// Register the styles		wp_register_style( 'bootstrap', get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/css/bootstrap.min.css', array(), KLEO_THEME_VERSION, 'all' );  		wp_register_style( 'kleo-app', get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/css/app.min.css', array(), KLEO_THEME_VERSION, 'all' );		wp_register_style( 'kleo-shortcodes', get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/css/shortcodes.min.css', array(), KLEO_THEME_VERSION, 'all' );		wp_register_style( 'magnific-popup', get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/js/plugins/magnific-popup/magnific.css', array(), KLEO_THEME_VERSION, 'all' );		wp_register_style( 'kleo-fonts', get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/css/fontello.css', array(), KLEO_THEME_VERSION, 'all' );		wp_register_style( 'kleo-style', CHILD_THEME_URI . '/style.css', array(), KLEO_THEME_VERSION, 'all' );		//enque required styles		wp_enqueue_style( 'bootstrap' );		wp_enqueue_style( 'kleo-app' );		wp_enqueue_style( 'kleo-shortcodes' );   		wp_enqueue_style( 'magnific-popup' );		wp_enqueue_style( 'kleo-fonts' );		wp_enqueue_style( 'mediaelement' );	} // end kleo_frontend_files()endif;add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'kleo_load_files_plugin_compat', 1000 );  function kleo_load_files_plugin_compat(){	wp_register_style( 'kleo-plugins', get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/css/plugins.min.css', array(), KLEO_THEME_VERSION, 'all' );	wp_enqueue_style( 'kleo-plugins' );	wp_enqueue_style( 'mediaelement-skin' );		//enque child theme style only if activated	if (is_child_theme()) {		wp_enqueue_style( 'kleo-style' );	}    //Visual composer file    wp_dequeue_style( 'js_composer_front' );		} // kleo_load_css_files_plugin_compat()if ( !function_exists( 'remove_wp_open_sans' ) ) {	/**	 * Remove duplicate Open Sans from Wordpress	 */	function kleo_remove_wp_open_sans() {		$font_link = get_transient(KLEO_DOMAIN.'_google_link');		if ( strpos( $font_link, 'Open+Sans' ) !== false ) {			wp_deregister_style( 'open-sans' );			wp_register_style( 'open-sans', false );		}	}	add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'kleo_remove_wp_open_sans');}/***************************************************:: ADMIN CSS***************************************************/function kleo_admin_styles() {		wp_register_style("kleo-admin", KLEO_LIB_URI . "/assets/admin-custom.css", false, "1.0", "all");		wp_enqueue_style( 'kleo-admin' );}add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', 'kleo_admin_styles' );/***************************************************:: Customize wp-login.php***************************************************/function custom_login_css() {	global $kleo_theme;	echo "\n<style>";	echo $kleo_theme->get_bg_css('header_background', 'body.login');	echo '.login h1 a { background-image: url("'.sq_option_url('logo','none').'");background-size: contain;min-height: 88px;width:auto;}';	echo '#login {padding: 20px 0 0;}';	echo '.login #nav a, .login #backtoblog a {color:'.sq_option('header_primary_color').'!important;text-shadow:none;}';	echo "</style>\n";}add_action('login_enqueue_scripts', 'custom_login_css');function kleo_new_wp_login_url() { return home_url(); }add_filter('login_headerurl', 'kleo_new_wp_login_url');function kleo_new_wp_login_title() { return get_option('blogname'); }add_filter('login_headertitle', 'kleo_new_wp_login_title');/***************************************************:: Load Fonts and Quick CSS***************************************************/$kleo_theme->add_google_fonts_link();add_action('wp_head',array($kleo_theme, 'render_css'));/***************************************************:: Render custom css resulted from theme options***************************************************/if (!is_admin()){	global $kleo_config;	if (is_writable(trailingslashit($kleo_config['custom_style_path'])))	{		//write the file if isn't there		if (!file_exists(trailingslashit($kleo_config['custom_style_path']) . 'dynamic.css'))		{			add_filter('kleo_add_dynamic_style', array($kleo_theme,'add_font_css'));			kleo_generate_dynamic_css();		}		add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'kleo_load_dynamic_css' );  	}	else 	{		add_action('wp_head', 'kleo_custom_head_css');	}}/** * Load generated CSS file containing theme customizations * @global array $kleo_config */function kleo_load_dynamic_css() {	global $kleo_config;	wp_register_style( 'kleo-colors', trailingslashit($kleo_config['custom_style_url']) . 'dynamic.css', array(), KLEO_THEME_VERSION, 'all' );	wp_enqueue_style( 'kleo-colors' );}/** * Generate CSS styles in head section * @global Kleo $kleo_theme */function kleo_custom_head_css(){	global $kleo_theme;	$dynamic_css = get_template_directory() . '/assets/css/dynamic.php';		echo "\n<style>";	ob_start(); // Capture all output (output buffering)	//add fonts styles	add_filter('kleo_add_dynamic_style', array($kleo_theme,'add_font_css'));		require($dynamic_css); // Generate CSS	$css = ob_get_clean(); // Get generated CSS	echo kleo_compress($css);	echo '</style>';}/***************************************************:: Modal Ajax login && Modal Lost Password***************************************************/add_action( 'wp_footer', 'kleo_load_popups', 12 );function kleo_load_popups() {  get_template_part( 'page-parts/general-popups' );}add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_kleoajaxlogin', 'kleo_ajax_login' );if (!function_exists('kleo_ajax_login')){	function kleo_ajax_login()	{		// Check the nonce, if it fails the function will break		check_ajax_referer( 'kleo-ajax-login-nonce', 'security' );		// Nonce is checked, get the POST data and sign in user		$info = array();		$info['user_login'] = $_POST['log'];		$info['user_password'] = $_POST['pwd'];		$info['remember'] = (isset( $_POST['remember'] ) && $_POST['remember'] === true) ? true : false ;		$info = apply_filters('kleo_ajaxlogin_atts', $info);				$user_signon = wp_signon( $info, false );		if ( is_wp_error($user_signon) ){			echo json_encode(array( 'loggedin' => false, 'message' => '<span class="wrong-response"><i class="icon icon-attention"></i> ' . __( 'Wrong username or password. Please try again.', 'kleo_framework' ) . '</span>' ));		} else {            if ( sq_option( 'login_redirect' , 'default' ) == 'reload' ) {                $redirecturl = NULL;            }            else {                $redirecturl = apply_filters( 'login_redirect', '', '', $user_signon );            }			echo json_encode(array('loggedin'=>true, 'redirecturl' => $redirecturl, 'message'=> '<span class="good-response"><i class="icon icon-ok-circled"></i> ' . __( 'Login successful, redirecting...','kleo_framework' ) . '</span>' ));		}		die();	}}add_action( 'wp_ajax_kleoajaxlogin', 'kleo_ajax_login_priv' );if (!function_exists('kleo_ajax_login_priv')) {	function kleo_ajax_login_priv() {	$link = "javascript:window.location.reload();return false;";		echo json_encode(array('loggedin'=>false, 'message'=> '<i class="icon icon-info-circled"></i> ' . sprintf(__('You are already logged in. Please <a href="#" onclick="%s">refresh</a> page','kleo_framework'),$link)));		die();	}}if (!function_exists('kleo_lost_password_ajax')) {function kleo_lost_password_ajax(){    global $wpdb;    $errors = array();    if ( isset($_POST) ) {      if ( empty( $_POST['email'] ) )      {         _e( '<strong>ERROR</strong>: The e-mail field is empty.', 'kleo_framework' );         die();      }      else {          do_action('lostpassword_post');          // redefining user_login ensures we return the right case in the email          $user_data = get_user_by( 'email', trim( $_POST['email'] ) );          if ( ! isset( $user_data->user_email ) || strtolower( $user_data->user_email ) != strtolower( $_POST['email'] ) ) {            echo '<span class="wrong-response">' . __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Invalid  e-mail.', 'kleo_framework') . '</span>';            die();          } else {              $user_login = $user_data->user_login;              $user_email = $user_data->user_email;              do_action('retrieve_password', $user_login);              $allow = apply_filters( 'allow_password_reset', true, $user_data->ID );              if ( ! $allow )                echo new WP_Error('no_password_reset', __('Password reset is not allowed for this user'));              else if ( is_wp_error($allow) )                echo $allow;              // Generate something random for a password reset key.              $key = wp_generate_password( 20, false );              do_action( 'retrieve_password_key', $user_login, $key );              // Now insert the key, hashed, into the DB.              if ( empty( $wp_hasher ) ) {                require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-includes/class-phpass.php';                $wp_hasher = new PasswordHash( 8, true );              }              $hashed = $wp_hasher->HashPassword( $key );              $wpdb->update( $wpdb->users, array( 'user_activation_key' => $hashed ), array( 'user_login' => $user_login ) );              $message = __('Someone requested that the password be reset for the following account:') . "\r\n\r\n";              $message .= network_home_url( '/' ) . "\r\n\r\n";              $message .= sprintf(__('Username: %s'), $user_login) . "\r\n\r\n";              $message .= __('If this was a mistake, just ignore this email and nothing will happen.') . "\r\n\r\n";              $message .= __('To reset your password, visit the following address:') . "\r\n\r\n";              $message .= '<' . network_site_url("wp-login.php?action=rp&key=$key&login=" . rawurlencode($user_login), 'login') . ">\r\n";              if ( is_multisite() )                $blogname = $GLOBALS['current_site']->site_name;              else                // The blogname option is escaped with esc_html on the way into the database in sanitize_option                // we want to reverse this for the plain text arena of emails.                $blogname = wp_specialchars_decode(get_option('blogname'), ENT_QUOTES);              $title = sprintf( __('[%s] Password Reset'), $blogname );              /**               * Filter the subject of the password reset email.               *               * @since 2.8.0               *               * @[member=paramis] string $title Default email title.               */              $title = apply_filters( 'retrieve_password_title', $title );              /**               * Filter the message body of the password reset mail.               *               * @since 2.8.0               *               * @[member=paramis] string $message Default mail message.               * @[member=paramis] string $key     The activation key.               */              $message = apply_filters( 'retrieve_password_message', $message, $key, $user_login );              if ( $message && !wp_mail($user_email, $title, $message) ) {                echo '<span class="wrong-response">' . __("Failure!", 'kleo_framework');                echo __("The e-mail could not be sent.", 'kleo_framework');                echo "</span>";                die();              } else {                echo '<span class="good-response">' . __("Email successfully sent!", 'kleo_framework')."</span>";                die();              }          }      }    }    die();}}add_action("wp_ajax_kleo_lost_password","kleo_lost_password_ajax");add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_kleo_lost_password', 'kleo_lost_password_ajax');// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


تازه وارد
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مدیر انجمن و توسعه دهنده ووکامرس پارسی
دوست عزیز کد زیر از داخل dynamic.css قالب شما داره این دکمه رو مجبور میکنه که رنگ #f7f7f7 رو بگیره .

.main-color .btn-default, .main-color .nav-pills > li.active > a, .main-color .nav-pills > li.active > a:hover, .main-color .nav-pills > li.active > a:focus, .main-color .wpb_tour .nav-tab li.active, .main-color .wpb_tour .nav-tab li:hover, .main-color .tabs-style-square > li > a, .main-color .panel-default > .panel-heading, .main-color .dropdown-menu > li > a:hover, .main-color .dropdown-menu > li > a:focus, .main-color .dropdown-menu > .active > a, .main-color .dropdown-menu > .active > a:hover, .main-color .dropdown-menu > .active > a:focus, .main-color .pagination > li > a:hover, .main-color .pagination > li > span.current, .main-color #wp-calendar thead th, .main-color #wp-calendar tbody td a, .main-color .widget_tag_cloud a, .main-color .widget_nav_menu li.active > a, .main-color #wp-calendar tbody td:hover, .main-color .widget_nav_menu .current_page_item > a, .main-color .callout-blockquote blockquote, .main-color #respond .form-submit input#submit, .main-color .form-control:focus, .main-color .pricing-table .panel-heading, .main-color .pricing-table .panel-body, .main-color .pricing-table .pmpro-price .lead, .main-color .pricing-table .extra-description, .main-color .mejs-container .mejs-controls, .main-color .box-style .feature-item, .main-color .kleo_ajax_entry:hover, .main-color input[type="text"][disabled], .main-color input[type="password"][disabled], .main-color input[type="date"][disabled], .main-color input[type="datetime"][disabled], .main-color input[type="datetime-local"][disabled], .main-color input[type="month"][disabled], .main-color input[type="week"][disabled], .main-color input[type="email"][disabled], .main-color input[type="number"][disabled], .main-color input[type="search"][disabled], .main-color input[type="tel"][disabled], .main-color input[type="time"][disabled], .main-color input[type="url"][disabled], .main-color textarea[disabled], .main-color #buddypress div.item-list-tabs ul li a span, .main-color #bp-login-widget-submit, .main-color .bbp_widget_login .button.user-submit, .main-color .rtmedia-container #rtMedia-queue-list tr > td.close, .main-color .rtmedia-activity-container #rtMedia-queue-list tr > td.close, .main-color #buddypress div.activity-comments form .ac-textarea, .main-color #buddypress .standard-form input[type="text"]:focus, .main-color #buddypress table.notifications thead tr, .main-color #buddypress table.notifications-settings thead tr, .main-color #buddypress table.profile-fields thead tr, .main-color #buddypress table.wp-profile-fields thead tr, .main-color #buddypress table.messages-notices thead tr, .main-color #buddypress table.forum thead tr, .main-color #buddypress button:hover, .main-color #buddypress a.button:hover, .main-color #buddypress a.button:focus, .main-color #buddypress a.bp-secondary-action.view:hover, .main-color #buddypress input[type="submit"]:hover, .main-color #buddypress input[type="button"]:hover, .main-color #buddypress input[type="reset"]:hover, .main-color #buddypress ul.button-nav li a:hover, .main-color #buddypress ul.button-nav li.current a, .main-color #buddypress div.generic-button a:hover, .main-color #buddypress .comment-reply-link:hover, .main-color .bbp-pagination-links a:hover, .main-color .bbp-pagination-links span.current, .main-color #bbpress-forums li.bbp-body ul.topic.sticky, .main-color .bbp-submit-wrapper button.button, .main-color #bbpress-forums .bbp-form input[type="text"]:focus, .main-color .wp-editor-area:focus, .main-color .rtmedia-container .drag-drop, .main-color .rtmedia-activity-container .drag-drop, .main-color #buddypress div.rtmedia-activity-container .drag-drop, .main-color #buddypress #item-body .rtmedia-container ul#rtmedia_comment_ul li, .main-color #buddypress #item-body .rtmedia-activity-container ul#rtmedia_comment_ul li, .main-color .rtmedia-container .rtmedia-editor-main dl.tabs dd.active > a, .main-color .rtmedia-activity-container .rtmedia-editor-main dl.tabs dd.active > a, .main-color #buddypress div.rtmedia-activity-container .rtmedia-editor-main dl.tabs dd.active > a, .main-color .rtmedia-container .rtmedia-editor-main dl.tabs dd > a:hover, .main-color .rtmedia-activity-container .rtmedia-editor-main dl.tabs dd > a:hover, .main-color #buddypress div.rtmedia-activity-container .rtmedia-editor-main dl.tabs dd > a:hover, .main-color .rtmedia-container .imgedit-wrap div.imgedit-menu, .main-color .rtmedia-container .imgedit-menu div, .main-color .kleo-toggle-menu .minicart-total-checkout, .main-color .kleo-toggle-menu .minicart-buttons, .main-color .kleo-toggle-menu a.remove:hover, .woocommerce .main-color .widget_product_search #searchsubmit, .woocommerce .main-color #content input.button, .woocommerce .main-color #respond input#submit, .woocommerce .main-color a.button, .woocommerce .main-color button.button, .woocommerce .main-color input.button, .woocommerce-page .main-color #content input.button, .woocommerce-page .main-color #respond input#submit, .woocommerce-page .main-color a.button, .woocommerce-page .main-color button.button, .woocommerce-page .main-color input.button
<?php/** * @package WordPress * @subpackage Kleo * @[member=Author] SeventhQueen <themesupport@seventhqueen.com> * @since Kleo 1.0 *//***************************************************:: Load Kleo framework***************************************************/require_once( trailingslashit( get_template_directory() ) . 'kleo-framework/kleo.php' );add_filter( 'edd_rial_currency_filter_after', 'edd_toman_currency', 10, 3 );if ( ! function_exists( 'edd_toman_currency' ) ) {	function edd_toman_currency( $formatted, $currency, $price ) {		$price = $price . ' ریال';		if ( ! is_admin() ) {			$price = edd_format_amount( intval( str_replace( ',', '', $price ) ) / 10 ) . ' تومان';		}		return $price;	}}if ( ! isset( $content_width ) ){	$content_width = 1200;}/***************************************************:: Load Theme specific functions***************************************************/require_once( trailingslashit( get_template_directory() ) . 'lib/theme-functions.php' );/** * Sets up theme defaults and registers the various WordPress features * * @uses load_theme_textdomain() For translation/localization support. * @uses add_editor_style() To add a Visual Editor stylesheet. * @uses add_theme_support() To add support for post thumbnails, automatic feed links, * 	custom background, and post formats. * @uses register_nav_menu() To add support for navigation menus. * @uses set_post_thumbnail_size() To set a custom post thumbnail size. * * @since Kleo Framework 1.0 */function kleo_setup() {	/*	 * Makes theme available for translation.	 * Translations can be added to the /languages/ directory.	 */	load_theme_textdomain( 'kleo_framework', get_template_directory() . '/languages' );	/* This theme styles the visual editor with editor-style.css to match the theme style. */	add_editor_style();	/* Adds RSS feed links to <head> for posts and comments. */	add_theme_support( 'automatic-feed-links' );	/*	 * Enable support for Post Formats.	 * See [URL="http://codex.wordpress.org/Post_Formats"]http://codex.wordpress.org/Post_Formats[/URL]	 */	add_theme_support( 'post-formats', array(		'aside', 'image', 'video', 'audio', 'quote', 'link', 'gallery',	) );    	/* This theme uses wp_nav_menu() in two locations. */	register_nav_menu( 'primary', __( 'Primary Menu', 'kleo_framework' ) );	register_nav_menu( 'top', __( 'Top Menu', 'kleo_framework' ) );	/* This theme uses a custom image size for featured images, displayed on "standard" posts. */	add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' );	set_post_thumbnail_size( 672, 9999 ); // Unlimited height, soft crop 	add_image_size( 'kleo-full-width', 1038, 583 );	/*	 * Switch default core markup for search form, comment form, and comments	 * to output valid HTML5.	 */	add_theme_support( 'html5', array(		'search-form', 'comment-form', 'comment-list',	) );			// Add support for featured content.	add_theme_support( 'featured-content', array(		'featured_content_filter' => 'kleo_get_featured_posts',		'max_posts' => 6,	) );		/* Specific framework functionality */	add_theme_support( 'kleo-sidebar-generator' );	add_theme_support( 'kleo-facebook-login' );    add_theme_support( 'kleo-mega-menu' );    add_theme_support( 'kleo-menu-items' );    add_theme_support( 'kleo-portfolio' );    	/* Third-party plugins */	add_theme_support( 'bbpress' );	add_theme_support( 'woocommerce' );	}add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'kleo_setup' );if (!function_exists('kleo_wp_title')):	/**	 * Creates a nicely formatted and more specific title element text	 * for output in head of document, based on current view.	 *	 * @since Kleo Framework 1.0	 *	 * @[member=paramis] string $title Default title text for current view.	 * @[member=paramis] string $sep Optional separator.	 * @return string Filtered title.	 */	function kleo_wp_title( $title, $sep ) 	{			global $paged, $page;			if ( is_feed() ) {					return $title;			}			// Add the site name.			$title .= get_bloginfo( 'name' );			// Add the site description for the home/front page.			$site_description = get_bloginfo( 'description', 'display' );			if ( $site_description && ( is_home() || is_front_page() ) ) {					$title = "$title $sep $site_description";			}			// Add a page number if necessary.			if ( $paged >= 2 || $page >= 2 ) {					$title = "$title $sep " . sprintf( __( 'Page %s', 'kleo_framework' ), max( $paged, $page ) );			}						return $title;	}	add_filter( 'wp_title', 'kleo_wp_title', 10, 2 );endif;/***************************************************:: Main menu Navigation***************************************************//** * Modify some elements for the menu */if ( ! class_exists( 'kleo_walker_nav_menu' ) ):	class kleo_walker_nav_menu extends Walker_Nav_Menu {		/**		 * @see Walker::start_lvl()		 * @since 3.0.0		 *		 * @[member=paramis] string $output Passed by reference. Used to append additional content.		 * @[member=paramis] int $depth Depth of page. Used for padding.		 */		public function start_lvl( &$output, $depth = 0, $args = array() ) {			$indent = str_repeat( "\t", $depth );			$output .= "\n$indent<ul role=\"menu\" class=\"dropdown-menu".($depth ===0?" pull-left":"")."\">\n";		}		/**		 * @see Walker::start_el()		 * @since 3.0.0		 *		 * @[member=paramis] string $output Passed by reference. Used to append additional content.		 * @[member=paramis] object $item Menu item data object.		 * @[member=paramis] int $depth Depth of menu item. Used for padding.		 * @[member=paramis] int $current_page Menu item ID.		 * @[member=paramis] object $args		 */		public function start_el( &$output, $item, $depth = 0, $args = array(), $id = 0 ) {			$indent = ( $depth ) ? str_repeat( "\t", $depth ) : '';			/**			 * Dividers, Headers or Disabled			 * =============================			 * Determine whether the item is a Divider, Header, Disabled or regular			 * menu item. To prevent errors we use the strcasecmp() function to so a			 * comparison that is not case sensitive. The strcasecmp() function returns			 * a 0 if the strings are equal.			 */			if ( strcasecmp( $item->attr_title, 'divider' ) == 0 && $depth === 1 ) {				$output .= $indent . '<li role="presentation" class="divider">';			} else if ( strcasecmp( $item->title, 'divider') == 0 && $depth === 1 ) {				$output .= $indent . '<li role="presentation" class="divider">';			} else if ( strcasecmp( $item->attr_title, 'dropdown-header') == 0 && $depth === 1 ) {				$output .= $indent . '<li role="presentation" class="dropdown-header">' . esc_attr( $item->title );			} else if ( strcasecmp($item->attr_title, 'disabled' ) == 0 ) {				$output .= $indent . '<li role="presentation" class="disabled"><a href="#">' . esc_attr( $item->title ) . '</a>';			} else {				$class_names = $value = '';				$classes = empty( $item->classes ) ? array() : (array) $item->classes;				$classes[] = 'menu-item-' . $item->ID;				$class_names = join( ' ', apply_filters( 'nav_menu_css_class', array_filter( $classes ), $item, $args ) );				if ( $args->has_children && $depth === 1 ) {					$class_names .= ' dropdown-submenu';				}				elseif($args->has_children) {					$class_names .= ' dropdown';					if ($item->mega == 'yes') {						$class_names .= ' kleo-megamenu';					}					$submenus = $depth == 0 ? get_posts( array( 'post_type' => 'nav_menu_item', 'numberposts' => -1, 'orderby' => 'menu_order', 'order' => 'ASC', 'meta_query' => array( array( 'key' => '_menu_item_menu_item_parent', 'value' => $item->ID ) ) ) ) : false;					$count = $submenus ? count( $submenus ) : 'no';										$class_names .= ' mega-' . $count . '-cols';				}				if ( in_array( 'current-menu-item', $classes ) )					$class_names .= ' active';				$class_names = $class_names ? ' class="' . esc_attr( $class_names ) . '"' : '';				$id = apply_filters( 'nav_menu_item_id', 'menu-item-'. $item->ID, $item, $args );				$id = $id ? ' id="' . esc_attr( $id ) . '"' : '';                $data_li = $indent . '<li' . $id . $value . $class_names .'>';				$atts = array();				if (strpos($item->attr_title,'class=') !== false) {					$atts['class'] = (isset($atts['class']) ? $atts['class']." " : '') . str_replace('class=', '', $item->attr_title);				}else {					$atts['title'] = ! empty( $item->attr_title ) ? $item->attr_title : ( ! empty( $item->title ) ? esc_attr($item->title) : '' );				}				$atts['target'] = ! empty( $item->target )        ? $item->target        : '';				$atts['rel'] = ! empty( $item->xfn )                ? $item->xfn        : '';				// If item has_children add atts to a.				if ( $args->has_children && $depth === 0 ) {					//$atts['href']				= '#';					$atts['href']					= ! empty( $item->url ) ? $item->url : '';					//$atts['data-toggle']	= 'dropdown';					$atts['class']				= 'js-activated';				} else {					$atts['href'] = ! empty( $item->url ) ? $item->url : '';				}									$atts = apply_filters( 'nav_menu_link_attributes', $atts, $item, $args );				$attributes = '';				foreach ( $atts as $attr => $value ) {					if ( ! empty( $value ) ) {						$value = ( 'href' === $attr ) ? esc_url( $value ) : esc_attr( $value );						$attributes .= ' ' . $attr . '="' . $value . '"';					}				}				$item_output = $args->before;				$item_output .= '<a'. $attributes .'>';                /* Menu icons */                if (isset( $item->icon ) && $item->icon != '') {                    $title_icon = '<i class="icon-' . $item->icon . '"></i>';                    if ( $item->iconpos == 'after' ) {                        $title = $item->title . ' ' . $title_icon;                    }                    elseif ( $item->iconpos == 'icon' ) {                        $title = $title_icon;                    }                    else {                        $title = $title_icon . ' ' . $item->title;                    }                }                else {                    $title = $item->title;                }				$item_output .= $args->link_before . apply_filters( 'the_title', $title, $item->ID ) . $args->link_after;				$item_output .= ( $args->has_children && in_array($depth, array(0,1))) ? ' <span class="caret"></span></a>' : '</a>';				$item_output .= $args->after;                        //custom filters                $css_target = preg_match( '/\skleo-(.*)-nav/', implode( ' ', $item->classes), $matches );                // If this isn't a KLEO menu item, we can stop here                if ( ! empty( $matches[1] ) ) {                    $item_output = apply_filters( 'walker_nav_menu_start_el_' . $matches[1], $item_output, $item, $depth, $args );                    $data_li = apply_filters( 'walker_nav_menu_start_el_li_' . $matches[1], $data_li, $item, $depth, $args);                }                $output .= $data_li;				$output .= apply_filters( 'walker_nav_menu_start_el', $item_output, $item, $depth, $args );			}		}		/**		 * Traverse elements to create list from elements.		 *		 * Display one element if the element doesn't have any children otherwise,		 * display the element and its children. Will only traverse up to the max		 * depth and no ignore elements under that depth.		 *		 * This method shouldn't be called directly, use the walk() method instead.		 *		 * @see Walker::start_el()		 * @since 2.5.0		 *		 * @[member=paramis] object $element Data object		 * @[member=paramis] array $children_elements List of elements to continue traversing.		 * @[member=paramis] int $max_depth Max depth to traverse.		 * @[member=paramis] int $depth Depth of current element.		 * @[member=paramis] array $args		 * @[member=paramis] string $output Passed by reference. Used to append additional content.		 * @return null Null on failure with no changes to parameters.		 */		public function display_element( $element, &$children_elements, $max_depth, $depth, $args, &$output ) {		if ( ! $element )				return;		$id_field = $this->db_fields['id'];		// Display this element.		if ( is_object( $args[0] ) )			 $args[0]->has_children = ! empty( $children_elements[ $element->$id_field ] );		parent::display_element( $element, $children_elements, $max_depth, $depth, $args, $output );		}		/**		 * Menu Fallback		 * =============		 * If this function is assigned to the wp_nav_menu's fallback_cb variable		 * and a manu has not been assigned to the theme location in the WordPress		 * menu manager the function with display nothing to a non-logged in user,		 * and will add a link to the WordPress menu manager if logged in as an admin.		 *		 * @[member=paramis] array $args passed from the wp_nav_menu function.		 *		 */		public static function fallback( $args ) {			if ( current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) {				extract( $args );				$fb_output = null;				if ( $container ) {					$fb_output = '<' . $container;					if ( $container_id )						$fb_output .= ' id="' . $container_id . '"';					if ( $container_class )						$fb_output .= ' class="' . $container_class . '"';					$fb_output .= '>';				}				$fb_output .= '<ul';				if ( $menu_id )					$fb_output .= ' id="' . $menu_id . '"';				if ( $menu_class )					$fb_output .= ' class="' . $menu_class . '"';				$fb_output .= '>';				$fb_output .= '<li><a href="' . admin_url( 'nav-menus.php' ) . '">Add a menu</a></li>';				$fb_output .= '</ul>';				if ( $container )					$fb_output .= '</' . $container . '>';				echo $fb_output;			}		}	}	endif;//------------------------------------------------------------------------------/***************************************************:: Featured content ***************************************************//** * Getter function for Featured Content Plugin. * * @since Kleo 1.0 * * @return array An array of WP_Post objects. */function kleo_get_featured_posts() {	/**	 * Filter the featured posts to return in Kleo.	 *	 * @since Kleo 1.0	 *	 * @[member=paramis] array|bool $posts Array of featured posts, otherwise false.	 */	return apply_filters( 'kleo_get_featured_posts', array() );}/** * A helper conditional function that returns a boolean value. * * @since Kleo 1.0 * * @return bool Whether there are featured posts. */function kleo_has_featured_posts() {	return ! is_paged() && (bool) kleo_get_featured_posts();}/* * Add Featured Content functionality. * * To overwrite in a plugin, define your own Featured_Content class on or * before the 'setup_theme' hook. */if ( ! class_exists( 'Featured_Content' ) && 'plugins.php' !== $GLOBALS['pagenow'] ) {	require get_template_directory() . '/lib/featured-content/featured-content.php';}//------------------------------------------------------------------------------if (!function_exists('kleo_widgets_init')):	/**	 * Registers our main widget area and the front page widget areas.	 *	 * @since Kleo 1.0	 */	function kleo_widgets_init() {		register_sidebar( array(			'name' => __( 'Main Sidebar', 'kleo_framework' ),			'id' => 'sidebar-1',			'description' => __( 'Default sidebar', 'kleo_framework' ),			'before_widget' => '<div id="%1$s" class="widget %2$s">',			'after_widget' => '</div>',			'before_title' => '<h4 class="widget-title">',			'after_title' => '</h4>',		) );		register_sidebar(array(			'name' => 'Footer column 1',			'id' => 'footer-1',			'before_widget' => '<div id="%1$s" class="widget %2$s">',			'after_widget' => '</div>',			'before_title' => '<h4 class="widget-title">',			'after_title' => '</h4>',		));		register_sidebar(array(			'name' => 'Footer column 2',				'id' => 'footer-2',			'before_widget' => '<div id="%1$s" class="widget %2$s">',			'after_widget' => '</div>',			'before_title' => '<h4 class="widget-title">',			'after_title' => '</h4>',		));		register_sidebar(array(			'name' => 'Footer column 3',			'id' => 'footer-3',			'before_widget' => '<div id="%1$s" class="widget %2$s">',			'after_widget' => '</div>',			'before_title' => '<h4 class="widget-title">',			'after_title' => '</h4>',		));		register_sidebar(array(			'name' => 'Footer column 4',			'id' => 'footer-4',			'before_widget' => '<div id="%1$s" class="widget %2$s">',			'after_widget' => '</div>',			'before_title' => '<h4 class="widget-title">',			'after_title' => '</h4>',		));    register_sidebar(array(			'name' => 'Extra - for 3 columns pages',			'id' => 'extra',			'before_widget' => '<div id="%1$s" class="widget %2$s">',			'after_widget' => '</div>',			'before_title' => '<h4 class="widget-title">',			'after_title' => '</h4>',     ));    register_sidebar(array(			'name' => 'Shop sidebar',			'id' => 'shop-1',			'before_widget' => '<div id="%1$s" class="widget %2$s">',			'after_widget' => '</div>',			'before_title' => '<h4 class="widget-title">',			'after_title' => '</h4>',     ));	}endif;add_action( 'widgets_init', 'kleo_widgets_init' );if ( ! function_exists( 'kleo_entry_meta' ) ) :	/**	 * Prints HTML with meta information for current post: categories, tags, permalink, author, and date.	 * Create your own kleo_entry_meta() to override in a child theme.	 * @since 1.0	 */	function kleo_entry_meta($echo=true, $att=array()) {			$meta_list = array();				// Translators: used between list items, there is a space after the comma.		$categories_list = get_the_category_list( __( ', ', 'kleo_framework' ) );		// Translators: used between list items, there is a space after the comma.		$tag_list = get_the_tag_list( '', __( ', ', 'kleo_framework' ) );		$date = sprintf( '<a href="%1$s" title="%2$s" rel="bookmark" class="post-time"><time class="entry-date" datetime="%3$s">%4$s</time></a>',			esc_url( get_permalink() ),			esc_attr( get_the_time() ),			esc_attr( get_the_date( 'c' ) ),			esc_html( get_the_date() )		);		$author = sprintf( '<a href="%1$s" title="%2$s" rel="author">%3$s</a>',			esc_url( get_author_posts_url( get_the_author_meta( 'ID' ) ) ),			esc_attr( sprintf( __( 'View all posts by %s', 'kleo_framework' ), get_the_author() ) ),			get_the_author()		);		$meta_list[] = '<small class="meta-author">'.$author.'</small>';		$meta_list[] = '<small>'.$date.'</small>';				$cat_tag = array();				if ( $categories_list ) {			$cat_tag[] = $categories_list;		}				if ($tag_list) {			$cat_tag[] = $tag_list;		}		if (!empty($cat_tag)) {			$meta_list[] = '<small class="meta-category">'.implode(", ",$cat_tag).'</small>';		}				//comments		if (!isset($att['comments']) || (isset($att['comments']) && $att['comments'] !== false)) {		$meta_list[] = '<small class="meta-comment-count"><a href="'. get_permalink().'#comments">'.get_comments_number().' <i class="icon-chat-1 hover-tip" 			data-original-title="'.sprintf( _n( 'This article has one comment', 'This article has %1$s comments', get_comments_number(), 'kleo_framework' ),number_format_i18n( get_comments_number() ) ).'" 			data-toggle="tooltip" 			data-placement="top"></i></a></small>';		}				if ($echo) {			echo implode(", ", $meta_list);		}		else {			return implode(", ", $meta_list);		}			}endif;/***************************************************:: Comments functions***************************************************/if (!function_exists('kleo_custom_comments')) {	/**	 * Display customized comments	 * @[member=paramis] object $comment	 * @[member=paramis] array $args	 * @[member=paramis] integer $depth	 */	function kleo_custom_comments($comment, $args, $depth) {		$GLOBALS['comment'] = $comment;		$GLOBALS['comment_depth'] = $depth;		?>		<li id="comment-<?php comment_ID() ?>" <?php comment_class('clearfix') ?>>			<div class="comment-wrap clearfix">				<div class="comment-avatar kleo-rounded">					<?php if(function_exists('get_avatar')) { echo get_avatar($comment, '100'); } ?>					<?php if ($comment->comment_author_email == get_the_author_meta('email')) { ?>					<span class="tooltip"><?php _e("Author", "kleo_framework"); ?><span class="arrow"></span></span>					<?php } ?>				</div>				<div class="comment-content">					<div class="comment-meta">						<?php							printf('<span class="comment-author">%1$s</span> <span class="comment-date">%2$s</span>',								get_comment_author_link(),								human_time_diff( get_comment_time('U'), current_time('timestamp') ) . ' ' . __("ago", "kleo_framework")							);						?>					</div>					<?php if ($comment->comment_approved == '0') _e("<span class='unapproved'>Your comment is awaiting moderation.</span>\n", 'kleo_framework') ?>					<div class="comment-body">							<?php comment_text() ?>					</div>					<div class="comment-meta-actions">						<?php						edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'kleo_framework'), '<span class="edit-link">', '</span><span class="meta-sep"> |</span>');						?>						<?php if($args['type'] == 'all' || get_comment_type() == 'comment') :							comment_reply_link(array_merge($args, array(									'reply_text' => __('Reply','kleo_framework'),									'login_text' => __('Log in to reply.','kleo_framework'),									'depth' => $depth,									'before' => '<span class="comment-reply">',									'after' => '</span>'							)));						endif; ?>					</div>				</div>			</div><?php }} // end kleo_custom_commentsif (!function_exists('kleo_comment_form')) :	/**	 * Outputs a complete commenting form for use within a template.	 * Most strings and form fields may be controlled through the $args array passed	 * into the function, while you may also choose to use the comment_form_default_fields	 * filter to modify the array of default fields if you'd just like to add a new	 * one or remove a single field. All fields are also individually passed through	 * a filter of the form comment_form_field_$name where $name is the key used	 * in the array of fields.	 *	 * @[member=paramis] array $args Options for strings, fields etc in the form	 * @[member=paramis] mixed $post_id Post ID to generate the form for, uses the current post if null	 * @return void	 */	function kleo_comment_form( $args = array(), $post_id = null ) {		global $id;		$user = wp_get_current_user();		$user_identity = $user->exists() ? $user->display_name : '';		if ( null === $post_id ) {			$post_id = $id;		}		else {			$id = $post_id;		}		if ( comments_open( $post_id ) ) :		?>		<div id="respond-wrap">			<?php 				$commenter = wp_get_current_commenter();				$req = get_option( 'require_name_email' );				$aria_req = ( $req ? " aria-required='true'" : '' );				$fields =  array(					'author' => '<div class="row"><p class="comment-form-author col-sm-4"><label for="author">' . __( 'Name', 'kleo_framework' ) . '</label> ' . ( $req ? '<span class="required">*</span>' : '' ) . '<input id="author" name="author" type="text" class="form-control" value="' . esc_attr( $commenter['comment_author'] ) . '" size="30"' . $aria_req . ' /></p>',					'email' => '<p class="comment-form-email col-sm-4"><label for="email">' . __( 'Email', 'kleo_framework' ) . '</label> ' . ( $req ? '<span class="required">*</span>' : '' ) . '<input id="email" name="email" type="text" class="form-control" value="' . esc_attr(  $commenter['comment_author_email'] ) . '" size="30"' . $aria_req . ' /></p>',					'url' => '<p class="comment-form-url col-sm-4"><label for="url">' . __( 'Website', 'kleo_framework' ) . '</label><input id="url" name="url" type="text" class="form-control" value="' . esc_attr( $commenter['comment_author_url'] ) . '" size="30" /></p></div>'				);                if (function_exists('bp_is_active')) {          $profile_link = bp_get_loggedin_user_link();        }        else {          $profile_link = admin_url( 'profile.php' );        }        				$comments_args = array(						'fields'               => apply_filters( 'comment_form_default_fields', $fields ),						'logged_in_as'		   => '<p class="logged-in-as">' . sprintf( __( 'Logged in as <a href="%1$s">%2$s</a>. <a href="%3$s" title="Log out of this account">Log out?</a>', 'kleo_framework' ), $profile_link, $user_identity, wp_logout_url( apply_filters( 'the_permalink', get_permalink( ) ) ) ) . '</p>',						'title_reply'          => __( 'Leave a reply', 'kleo_framework' ),						'title_reply_to'       => __( 'Leave a reply to %s', 'kleo_framework' ),						'cancel_reply_link'    => __( 'Click here to cancel the reply', 'kleo_framework' ),						'label_submit'         => __( 'Post comment', 'kleo_framework' ),						'comment_field'		   => '<p class="comment-form-comment"><label for="comment">' . __( 'Comment', 'kleo_framework' ) . '</label><textarea class="form-control" id="comment" name="comment" cols="45" rows="8" aria-required="true"></textarea></p>',						'must_log_in'		   => '<p class="must-log-in">' .  sprintf( __( 'You must be <a href="%s">logged in</a> to post a comment.', 'kleo_framework' ), wp_login_url( apply_filters( 'the_permalink', get_permalink( ) ) ) ) . '</p>',				);			comment_form($comments_args); 			?>		</div>		<?php		endif;	}endif;if ( ! function_exists( 'kleo_the_attached_image' ) ) :/** * Print the attached image with a link to the next attached image. * * @since Kleo 1.0 * * @return void */function kleo_the_attached_image() {	$post = get_post();	/**	 * Filter the default attachment size.	 *	 * @since Kleo 1.0	 *	 * @[member=paramis] array $dimensions {	 *     An array of height and width dimensions.	 *	 *     @type int $height Height of the image in pixels. Default 810.	 *     @type int $width  Width of the image in pixels. Default 810.	 * }	 */	$attachment_size     = apply_filters( 'kleo_attachment_size', array( 810, 810 ) );	$next_attachment_url = wp_get_attachment_url();	/*	 * Grab the IDs of all the image attachments in a gallery so we can get the URL	 * of the next adjacent image in a gallery, or the first image (if we're	 * looking at the last image in a gallery), or, in a gallery of one, just the	 * link to that image file.	 */	$attachment_ids = get_posts( array(		'post_parent'    => $post->post_parent,		'fields'         => 'ids',		'numberposts'    => -1,		'post_status'    => 'inherit',		'post_type'      => 'attachment',		'post_mime_type' => 'image',		'order'          => 'ASC',		'orderby'        => 'menu_order ID',	) );	// If there is more than 1 attachment in a gallery...	if ( count( $attachment_ids ) > 1 ) {		foreach ( $attachment_ids as $attachment_id ) {			if ( $attachment_id == $post->ID ) {				$next_id = current( $attachment_ids );				break;			}		}		// get the URL of the next image attachment...		if ( $next_id ) {			$next_attachment_url = get_attachment_link( $next_id );		}		// or get the URL of the first image attachment.		else {			$next_attachment_url = get_attachment_link( array_shift( $attachment_ids ) );		}	}	printf( '<a href="%1$s" rel="attachment">%2$s</a>',		esc_url( $next_attachment_url ),		wp_get_attachment_image( $post->ID, $attachment_size )	);}endif;/***************************************************:: Sidebar logic***************************************************/if (!function_exists('kleo_switch_layout')) {	/**	 * Change site layout	 * @[member=paramis] string $layout	 */	function kleo_switch_layout($layout=false, $priority = 10)	{		if($layout == false) {			$layout = sq_option('global_sidebar', 'right');		}				$main_width_2cols = (int)sq_option('main_width_2cols', 9) == 0 ? 9 : (int)sq_option('main_width_2cols', 9);		$main_width_3cols = (int)sq_option('main_width_3cols', 6) == 0 ? 6 : (int)sq_option('main_width_3cols', 6);				$sidebar_width_2cols = 12 - $main_width_2cols;		$sidebar_width_3cols = ( 12 - $main_width_3cols ) / 2;		switch ($layout) {			case 'left':				add_action('kleo_after_content', 'kleo_sidebar', $priority);				remove_action('kleo_after_content', 'kleo_extra_sidebar');				add_filter('kleo_main_template_classes', create_function('$cols', '$cols = "col-sm-' . $main_width_2cols . ' col-sm-push-' . $sidebar_width_2cols . ' tpl-left"; return $cols;'), $priority);				add_filter('kleo_sidebar_classes', create_function('$cols', '$cols = "col-sm-' . $sidebar_width_2cols . ' sidebar-left col-sm-pull-' . $main_width_2cols . '"; return $cols;'), $priority);				break;			case 'no':		//full width				remove_action( 'kleo_after_content', 'kleo_sidebar' );				remove_action('kleo_after_content', 'kleo_extra_sidebar' );				add_filter('kleo_main_template_classes', create_function('$cols', '$cols = "col-sm-12 tpl-no"; return $cols;'), $priority );				//enable full-width elements				if (is_singular() && kleo_has_shortcode('vc_row')) {					add_filter( 'kleo_main_container_class', 'kleo_ret_full_container', $priority );				}								break;			case '3ll':				add_action('kleo_after_content', 'kleo_sidebar', $priority);				add_action('kleo_after_content', 'kleo_extra_sidebar', $priority);				add_filter('kleo_main_template_classes', create_function('$cols', '$cols = "col-sm-' . $main_width_3cols . ' col-sm-push-' . ( $sidebar_width_3cols * 2 ) . ' tpl-3ll"; return $cols;'), $priority);				add_filter('kleo_sidebar_classes', create_function('$cols', '$cols = "col-sm-' . $sidebar_width_3cols . ' col-sm-pull-' . $main_width_3cols . ' sidebar-3ll"; return $cols;'), $priority);				add_filter('kleo_extra_sidebar_classes', create_function('$cols', '$cols = "col-sm-' . $sidebar_width_3cols . ' col-sm-pull-' . $main_width_3cols . ' sidebar-3ll"; return $cols;'), $priority);				break;			case '3lr':				add_action('kleo_after_content', 'kleo_sidebar', $priority);				add_action('kleo_after_content', 'kleo_extra_sidebar', $priority);				add_filter('kleo_main_template_classes', create_function('$cols', '$cols = "col-sm-' . $main_width_3cols . ' col-sm-push-' . $sidebar_width_3cols . ' tpl-3lr"; return $cols;'), $priority);				add_filter('kleo_sidebar_classes', create_function('$cols', '$cols = "col-sm-' . $sidebar_width_3cols . ' col-sm-pull-' . $main_width_3cols . ' sidebar-3lr"; return $cols;'), $priority);				add_filter('kleo_extra_sidebar_classes', create_function('$cols', '$cols = "col-sm-' . $sidebar_width_3cols .  ' sidebar-3lr"; return $cols;'), $priority);				break;			case '3rr':				add_action('kleo_after_content', 'kleo_sidebar', $priority);				add_action('kleo_after_content', 'kleo_extra_sidebar', $priority);				add_filter('kleo_main_template_classes', create_function('$cols', '$cols = "col-sm-' . $main_width_3cols . ' tpl-3rr"; return $cols;'), $priority);				add_filter('kleo_sidebar_classes', create_function('$cols', '$cols = "col-sm-' . $sidebar_width_3cols . ' sidebar-3rr"; return $cols;'), $priority);				add_filter('kleo_extra_sidebar_classes', create_function('$cols', '$cols = "col-sm-' . $sidebar_width_3cols . ' sidebar-3rr"; return $cols;'), $priority);				break;			case 'right':			default:				add_action( 'kleo_after_content', 'kleo_sidebar', $priority );				remove_action('kleo_after_content', 'kleo_extra_sidebar');				add_filter('kleo_main_template_classes', create_function('$cols', '$cols = "col-sm-' . $main_width_2cols . ' tpl-right"; return $cols;'), $priority);				add_filter('kleo_sidebar_classes', create_function('$cols', '$cols = "col-sm-' . $sidebar_width_2cols . ' sidebar-right"; return $cols;'), $priority);				break;		}	}}if ( !function_exists( 'kleo_prepare_layout' ) ) {	/**	 * Prepare site layout with different customizations	 * @global string $kleo_custom_logo	 */	function kleo_prepare_layout() {		//Change the template		$layout = sq_option('global_sidebar', 'right');		if (is_home()) {			$layout = sq_option('blog_layout', 'right');		}			elseif (is_archive()) {			$layout = sq_option('cat_layout', 'right');		}		elseif( is_singular( array('post', 'portfolio') )                && get_cfield('post_layout') && get_cfield('post_layout') != 'default' ) {			$layout = get_cfield('post_layout');		}		$layout = apply_filters('kleo_page_layout', $layout);		kleo_switch_layout( $layout );		/* Single post of any post type */		if( is_singular() )		{			$topbar_status = get_cfield('topbar_status');			//Top bar			if ( isset($topbar_status) ) {				if ( $topbar_status === '1' ) {					add_filter('kleo_show_top_bar', create_function('', 'return 1;'));				} elseif ( $topbar_status === '0' ) {					add_filter('kleo_show_top_bar', create_function('', 'return 0;'));				}			}			//Header and Footer settings			if (get_cfield('hide_header') && get_cfield('hide_header') == 1 ) {				remove_action('kleo_header', 'kleo_show_header');			}			if (get_cfield('hide_footer') && get_cfield('hide_footer') == 1 ) {				add_filter('kleo_footer_hidden', create_function('$status','return true;'));			}			if (get_cfield('hide_socket') && get_cfield('hide_socket') == 1 ) {				remove_action('kleo_after_footer', 'kleo_show_socket');			}			//Custom logo			if( get_cfield('logo') ) {				global $kleo_custom_logo;				$kleo_custom_logo = get_cfield('logo');				add_filter('kleo_logo', create_function("",'global $kleo_custom_logo; return $kleo_custom_logo;'));			}            //Remove shop icon            if (get_cfield('hide_shop_icon') && get_cfield('hide_shop_icon') == 1 ) {                remove_filter('wp_nav_menu_items', 'kleo_woo_header_cart', 9);                remove_filter('kleo_mobile_header_icons', 'kleo_woo_mobile_icon', 10);            }            //Remove search icon            if (get_cfield('hide_search_icon') && get_cfield('hide_search_icon') == 1 ) {                remove_filter('wp_nav_menu_items', 'kleo_search_menu_item', 10);            }		}		//Show title in main content - if set from Theme options		add_action('kleo_before_main_content', 'kleo_title_main_content');	}}add_action('wp_head','kleo_prepare_layout');//get the global sidebarif (!function_exists('kleo_sidebar')):	function kleo_sidebar()	{		get_sidebar();	}endif;//get the extra sidebarif (!function_exists('kleo_extra_sidebar')):	function kleo_extra_sidebar()	{		$classes = apply_filters('kleo_extra_sidebar_classes', '');				echo '<div class="sidebar sidebar-extra '.$classes.'">'			. '<div class="inner-content">';				generated_dynamic_sidebar('extra');				echo '</div>'		.'</div> <!--end sidebar columns-->';	}endif;function kleo_ret_full_container(){	return 'container-full';}if ( ! function_exists( 'kleo_title_main_content' ) ) {	/**	 * Echo the title if it was set to show in main content area	 */	function kleo_title_main_content() {		if (sq_option('title_location', 'breadcrumb') == 'main') {						$title_status = true;			if( is_singular() && get_cfield( 'title_checkbox' ) == 1 ) {				$title_status = false;			}			if ( $title_status ) {				echo '<div class="container">';				echo '<h1 class="page-title">' . kleo_title() . '</h1>';				echo '</div>';			}					}	}}/***************************************************:: Render the header section with the menus***************************************************/function kleo_show_header() {	get_template_part('page-parts/general-header-section');}add_action('kleo_header', 'kleo_show_header');/***************************************************:: Extra body classes***************************************************/add_filter('body_class','kleo_body_classes');/** * Adds specific classes to body element * @[member=paramis] array $classes * @return array * @since 1.0 */function kleo_body_classes($classes = '') {	if(is_admin_bar_showing() && sq_option('admin_bar',1 ) == 1) {		$classes[] = 'adminbar-enable';	}		if (sq_option('responsive_design',1) == 0) {		$classes[] = 'not-responsive';	}		if (sq_option('sticky_menu',1) == 1) {		$classes[] = 'kleo-navbar-fixed';		if (sq_option('resize_logo',1) == 1) {			$classes[] = 'navbar-resize';		}			}		if (sq_option('transparent_logo',1) == 1					|| ((is_single() || is_page()) && get_cfield('transparent_menu'))					) {		$classes[] = 'navbar-transparent';	}	return $classes;}// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------/***************************************************:: Theme options link in Admin bar***************************************************/add_action('admin_bar_menu', 'kleo_add_adminbar_options', 100);function kleo_add_adminbar_options($admin_bar){	if ( is_super_admin() && ! is_admin() ) {		$admin_bar->add_menu( array(				'id'    => 'theme-options',				'title' => __('Theme options','kleo_framework'),				'href'  => get_admin_url().'admin.php?page=kleo_options',				'meta'  => array(					'title' => __('Theme options','kleo_framework'),					'target' => '_blank'				),		));	}	}/***************************************************:: Add mp4, webm and ogv mimes for uploads***************************************************/add_filter('upload_mimes','kleo_add_upload_mimes');if(!function_exists('kleo_add_upload_mimes')){	function kleo_add_upload_mimes($mimes){ return array_merge($mimes, array ('mp4' => 'video/mp4', 'ogv' => 'video/ogg', 'webm' => 'video/webm')); }}/***************************************************:: Scripts/Styles load***************************************************/add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'kleo_frontend_files' );if (!function_exists('kleo_frontend_files')):	// Register some javascript files	function kleo_frontend_files() 	{		//head scripts		wp_register_script( 'kleo-init', get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/js/init.js', array(),KLEO_THEME_VERSION, false );		wp_register_script( 'modernizr', get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/js/modernizr.custom.46504.js', array(),KLEO_THEME_VERSION, false );		/* Footer scripts */		wp_register_script( 'bootstrap', get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/js/bootstrap.min.js', array('jquery'),KLEO_THEME_VERSION, true );		wp_register_script( 'waypoints', get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/js/plugins/waypoints.min.js', array('jquery'),KLEO_THEME_VERSION, true );		wp_register_script( 'magnific-popup', get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/js/plugins/magnific-popup/magnific.min.js', array('jquery'),KLEO_THEME_VERSION, true );		wp_register_script( 'caroufredsel', get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/js/plugins/carouFredSel/jquery.carouFredSel-6.2.0-packed.js', array('jquery'),KLEO_THEME_VERSION, true );		wp_register_script( 'jquery-mousewheel', get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/js/plugins/carouFredSel/helper-plugins/jquery.mousewheel.min.js', array('jquery', 'caroufredsel'),KLEO_THEME_VERSION, true );		wp_register_script( 'jquery-touchswipe', get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/js/plugins/carouFredSel/helper-plugins/jquery.touchSwipe.min.js', array('jquery', 'caroufredsel'),KLEO_THEME_VERSION, true );		wp_register_script( 'isotope', get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/js/plugins/jquery.isotope.min.js', array('jquery'),KLEO_THEME_VERSION, true );		wp_register_script( 'kleo-scripts', get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/js/scripts.js', array('jquery'),KLEO_THEME_VERSION, true );		wp_register_script( 'kleo-shortcodes', get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/js/shortcodes.min.js', array('jquery'),KLEO_THEME_VERSION, true );		wp_register_script( 'app', get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/js/app.min.js', array('jquery'),KLEO_THEME_VERSION, true );		//enque them		wp_enqueue_script('kleo-init');		wp_enqueue_script('modernizr');		wp_enqueue_script('bootstrap');		wp_enqueue_script('waypoints');		wp_enqueue_script('magnific-popup');		wp_enqueue_script('caroufredsel');		wp_enqueue_script('jquery-touchswipe');		wp_enqueue_script('mediaelement');		wp_enqueue_script('isotope');			wp_enqueue_script('kleo-scripts');		wp_enqueue_script('kleo-shortcodes');		wp_enqueue_script('app');		$retina_logo = sq_option_url('logo_retina') != '' ? sq_option_url('logo_retina') : "";		if (is_singular() && get_cfield('logo_retina') ) {			$retina_logo = get_cfield('logo_retina');		}		$obj_array = array(				'ajaxurl' =>  home_url().'/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php',				'goTop' => sq_option('go_top', 1),				'ajaxSearch' => sq_option('ajax_search', 1),				'alreadyLiked' => sq_option('likes_already', 'You already like this'),				'retinaLogo' => $retina_logo,        'loadingmessage' => '<i class="icon icon-spin5 animate-spin"></i> '.__('Sending info, please wait...', 'kleo_framework')		);    $obj_array = apply_filters( 'kleo_localize_app', $obj_array );    		wp_localize_script( 'app', 'kleoFramework', $obj_array );		if ( is_singular() && comments_open() && get_option( 'thread_comments' ) ) {			wp_enqueue_script( 'comment-reply' );		}						// Register the styles		wp_register_style( 'bootstrap', get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/css/bootstrap.min.css', array(), KLEO_THEME_VERSION, 'all' );  		wp_register_style( 'kleo-app', get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/css/app.min.css', array(), KLEO_THEME_VERSION, 'all' );		wp_register_style( 'kleo-shortcodes', get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/css/shortcodes.min.css', array(), KLEO_THEME_VERSION, 'all' );		wp_register_style( 'magnific-popup', get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/js/plugins/magnific-popup/magnific.css', array(), KLEO_THEME_VERSION, 'all' );		wp_register_style( 'kleo-fonts', get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/css/fontello.css', array(), KLEO_THEME_VERSION, 'all' );		wp_register_style( 'kleo-style', CHILD_THEME_URI . '/style.css', array(), KLEO_THEME_VERSION, 'all' );		//enque required styles		wp_enqueue_style( 'bootstrap' );		wp_enqueue_style( 'kleo-app' );		wp_enqueue_style( 'kleo-shortcodes' );   		wp_enqueue_style( 'magnific-popup' );		wp_enqueue_style( 'kleo-fonts' );		wp_enqueue_style( 'mediaelement' );	} // end kleo_frontend_files()endif;add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'kleo_load_files_plugin_compat', 1000 );  function kleo_load_files_plugin_compat(){	wp_register_style( 'kleo-plugins', get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/css/plugins.min.css', array(), KLEO_THEME_VERSION, 'all' );	wp_enqueue_style( 'kleo-plugins' );	wp_enqueue_style( 'mediaelement-skin' );		//enque child theme style only if activated	if (is_child_theme()) {		wp_enqueue_style( 'kleo-style' );	}    //Visual composer file    wp_dequeue_style( 'js_composer_front' );		} // kleo_load_css_files_plugin_compat()if ( !function_exists( 'remove_wp_open_sans' ) ) {	/**	 * Remove duplicate Open Sans from Wordpress	 */	function kleo_remove_wp_open_sans() {		$font_link = get_transient(KLEO_DOMAIN.'_google_link');		if ( strpos( $font_link, 'Open+Sans' ) !== false ) {			wp_deregister_style( 'open-sans' );			wp_register_style( 'open-sans', false );		}	}	add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'kleo_remove_wp_open_sans');}/***************************************************:: ADMIN CSS***************************************************/function kleo_admin_styles() {		wp_register_style("kleo-admin", KLEO_LIB_URI . "/assets/admin-custom.css", false, "1.0", "all");		wp_enqueue_style( 'kleo-admin' );}add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', 'kleo_admin_styles' );/***************************************************:: Customize wp-login.php***************************************************/function custom_login_css() {	global $kleo_theme;	echo "\n<style>";	echo $kleo_theme->get_bg_css('header_background', 'body.login');	echo '.login h1 a { background-image: url("'.sq_option_url('logo','none').'");background-size: contain;min-height: 88px;width:auto;}';	echo '#login {padding: 20px 0 0;}';	echo '.login #nav a, .login #backtoblog a {color:'.sq_option('header_primary_color').'!important;text-shadow:none;}';	echo "</style>\n";}add_action('login_enqueue_scripts', 'custom_login_css');function kleo_new_wp_login_url() { return home_url(); }add_filter('login_headerurl', 'kleo_new_wp_login_url');function kleo_new_wp_login_title() { return get_option('blogname'); }add_filter('login_headertitle', 'kleo_new_wp_login_title');/***************************************************:: Load Fonts and Quick CSS***************************************************/$kleo_theme->add_google_fonts_link();add_action('wp_head',array($kleo_theme, 'render_css'));/***************************************************:: Render custom css resulted from theme options***************************************************/if (!is_admin()){	global $kleo_config;	if (is_writable(trailingslashit($kleo_config['custom_style_path'])))	{		//write the file if isn't there		if (!file_exists(trailingslashit($kleo_config['custom_style_path']) . 'dynamic.css'))		{			add_filter('kleo_add_dynamic_style', array($kleo_theme,'add_font_css'));			kleo_generate_dynamic_css();		}		add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'kleo_load_dynamic_css' );  	}	else 	{		add_action('wp_head', 'kleo_custom_head_css');	}}/** * Load generated CSS file containing theme customizations * @global array $kleo_config */function kleo_load_dynamic_css() {	global $kleo_config;	wp_register_style( 'kleo-colors', trailingslashit($kleo_config['custom_style_url']) . 'dynamic.css', array(), KLEO_THEME_VERSION, 'all' );	wp_enqueue_style( 'kleo-colors' );}/** * Generate CSS styles in head section * @global Kleo $kleo_theme */function kleo_custom_head_css(){	global $kleo_theme;	$dynamic_css = get_template_directory() . '/assets/css/dynamic.php';		echo "\n<style>";	ob_start(); // Capture all output (output buffering)	//add fonts styles	add_filter('kleo_add_dynamic_style', array($kleo_theme,'add_font_css'));		require($dynamic_css); // Generate CSS	$css = ob_get_clean(); // Get generated CSS	echo kleo_compress($css);	echo '</style>';}/***************************************************:: Modal Ajax login && Modal Lost Password***************************************************/add_action( 'wp_footer', 'kleo_load_popups', 12 );function kleo_load_popups() {  get_template_part( 'page-parts/general-popups' );}add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_kleoajaxlogin', 'kleo_ajax_login' );if (!function_exists('kleo_ajax_login')){	function kleo_ajax_login()	{		// Check the nonce, if it fails the function will break		check_ajax_referer( 'kleo-ajax-login-nonce', 'security' );		// Nonce is checked, get the POST data and sign in user		$info = array();		$info['user_login'] = $_POST['log'];		$info['user_password'] = $_POST['pwd'];		$info['remember'] = (isset( $_POST['remember'] ) && $_POST['remember'] === true) ? true : false ;		$info = apply_filters('kleo_ajaxlogin_atts', $info);				$user_signon = wp_signon( $info, false );		if ( is_wp_error($user_signon) ){			echo json_encode(array( 'loggedin' => false, 'message' => '<span class="wrong-response"><i class="icon icon-attention"></i> ' . __( 'Wrong username or password. Please try again.', 'kleo_framework' ) . '</span>' ));		} else {            if ( sq_option( 'login_redirect' , 'default' ) == 'reload' ) {                $redirecturl = NULL;            }            else {                $redirecturl = apply_filters( 'login_redirect', '', '', $user_signon );            }			echo json_encode(array('loggedin'=>true, 'redirecturl' => $redirecturl, 'message'=> '<span class="good-response"><i class="icon icon-ok-circled"></i> ' . __( 'Login successful, redirecting...','kleo_framework' ) . '</span>' ));		}		die();	}}add_action( 'wp_ajax_kleoajaxlogin', 'kleo_ajax_login_priv' );if (!function_exists('kleo_ajax_login_priv')) {	function kleo_ajax_login_priv() {	$link = "javascript:window.location.reload();return false;";		echo json_encode(array('loggedin'=>false, 'message'=> '<i class="icon icon-info-circled"></i> ' . sprintf(__('You are already logged in. Please <a href="#" onclick="%s">refresh</a> page','kleo_framework'),$link)));		die();	}}if (!function_exists('kleo_lost_password_ajax')) {function kleo_lost_password_ajax(){    global $wpdb;    $errors = array();    if ( isset($_POST) ) {      if ( empty( $_POST['email'] ) )      {         _e( '<strong>ERROR</strong>: The e-mail field is empty.', 'kleo_framework' );         die();      }      else {          do_action('lostpassword_post');          // redefining user_login ensures we return the right case in the email          $user_data = get_user_by( 'email', trim( $_POST['email'] ) );          if ( ! isset( $user_data->user_email ) || strtolower( $user_data->user_email ) != strtolower( $_POST['email'] ) ) {            echo '<span class="wrong-response">' . __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Invalid  e-mail.', 'kleo_framework') . '</span>';            die();          } else {              $user_login = $user_data->user_login;              $user_email = $user_data->user_email;              do_action('retrieve_password', $user_login);              $allow = apply_filters( 'allow_password_reset', true, $user_data->ID );              if ( ! $allow )                echo new WP_Error('no_password_reset', __('Password reset is not allowed for this user'));              else if ( is_wp_error($allow) )                echo $allow;              // Generate something random for a password reset key.              $key = wp_generate_password( 20, false );              do_action( 'retrieve_password_key', $user_login, $key );              // Now insert the key, hashed, into the DB.              if ( empty( $wp_hasher ) ) {                require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-includes/class-phpass.php';                $wp_hasher = new PasswordHash( 8, true );              }              $hashed = $wp_hasher->HashPassword( $key );              $wpdb->update( $wpdb->users, array( 'user_activation_key' => $hashed ), array( 'user_login' => $user_login ) );              $message = __('Someone requested that the password be reset for the following account:') . "\r\n\r\n";              $message .= network_home_url( '/' ) . "\r\n\r\n";              $message .= sprintf(__('Username: %s'), $user_login) . "\r\n\r\n";              $message .= __('If this was a mistake, just ignore this email and nothing will happen.') . "\r\n\r\n";              $message .= __('To reset your password, visit the following address:') . "\r\n\r\n";              $message .= '<' . network_site_url("wp-login.php?action=rp&key=$key&login=" . rawurlencode($user_login), 'login') . ">\r\n";              if ( is_multisite() )                $blogname = $GLOBALS['current_site']->site_name;              else                // The blogname option is escaped with esc_html on the way into the database in sanitize_option                // we want to reverse this for the plain text arena of emails.                $blogname = wp_specialchars_decode(get_option('blogname'), ENT_QUOTES);              $title = sprintf( __('[%s] Password Reset'), $blogname );              /**               * Filter the subject of the password reset email.               *               * @since 2.8.0               *               * @[member=paramis] string $title Default email title.               */              $title = apply_filters( 'retrieve_password_title', $title );              /**               * Filter the message body of the password reset mail.               *               * @since 2.8.0               *               * @[member=paramis] string $message Default mail message.               * @[member=paramis] string $key     The activation key.               */              $message = apply_filters( 'retrieve_password_message', $message, $key, $user_login );              if ( $message && !wp_mail($user_email, $title, $message) ) {                echo '<span class="wrong-response">' . __("Failure!", 'kleo_framework');                echo __("The e-mail could not be sent.", 'kleo_framework');                echo "</span>";                die();              } else {                echo '<span class="good-response">' . __("Email successfully sent!", 'kleo_framework')."</span>";                die();              }          }      }    }    die();}}add_action("wp_ajax_kleo_lost_password","kleo_lost_password_ajax");add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_kleo_lost_password', 'kleo_lost_password_ajax');// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


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دوست عزیز ، hannanstd.ir از زحماتتون متشکرم . مشکل دکمه ها حل شد ، اما با تغییر رنگ مورد نظر ؛ همه دکمه ها رنگش تغییر میکنه !! آیا کدی هست که فقط انحصارا دکمه edd تغییر کنه ؟

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